Dealer scratched my Prius

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Care, Maintenance & Troubleshooting' started by firecracker_rc, Feb 10, 2012.

  1. firecracker_rc

    firecracker_rc New Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    San Diego
    2011 Prius
    Dealer scratched my car, if you want to skip my sob story, feel free to skip to the end.

    Today was very frustrating and disheartening. I had an appointment with service and wound up not getting any work done but since I was already there said they would wash it. SO SAD I DIDN'T READ THE FORUM FIRST. While I waited I was talking to my sales rep and was asking him about suggestions on how to get rid of a small cluster of fine scratches on my driver door - hardly noticeable, except to me. As I went out and showed him the little scratches I looked up and noticed a deep gash in the back door/driver's side. My jaw dropped and I said, "they scratched my car". He said he thought, just like the hairline scratches that is could easily be buffed out. I walked around the car and there were long hairline scratches everywhere now, some very fine but deep. I walked back to the service rep and just said, "you guys scratched my car". He said he'd come out and look. Long story less long...he kept insisting that there was no way they could have done it. I told him, it was not there before I brought it in and now it's there, I want it fixed. He agreed to fix it while insisting that they didn't do it. And it came back buffed down (you could no longer feel it to the touch) and looked better but still there. I said "I want it gone". Again, long story less long (sorry but I'm too frustrated to be brief right now), he denied that it could have possibly happened in their care and every time I responded he rebutted me. I would like to go into more detail but I'll spare you so much to say that he was rude and while I kept my attitude in check and spoke to him in a straightforward but respectful manner I felt more and more aggravated the more he lashed back and did not show respect or sympathy for my plight. I felt truly disheartened when I saw my car, only 1233 miles on it with scratches throughout and a glaring gash. Granted it is only about 3/4" long, I don't see why I should have to live with their accident. I didn't press them on the fine scratches because while I think it's shitty that they use a crappy machine to wash new cars, I feel it was ultimately my responsibility to ask the questions and find out what method they use (I would not have put it through a machine had I known). The machine was hidden in the back and I saw cars being shammied up front, so I had a false impression that they washed and dried them by hand. I'm leaving out a lot, but I'll leave it at that, unless someone has a question.

    I have a (highly discouraged) appointment to bring my car back on Monday for them to repair the scratch. Has anyone on here pressed the dealer to fix their mistake? Any ideas on what I can expect? Anything I should do to further protect myself in this process?

    Thanks in advance! I was in a light and jolly mood when I went in today and thought a car wash sounded nice. Wish I would have read the warnings on this forum first. :(
  2. dustoff003

    dustoff003 Blizzard Brigade #003

    Dec 27, 2010
    Waianae, HI (Oahu)
    2011 Prius
    Sorry I know how you feel, I went to take delivery of a 2010 V w/ ATP and walked away from the car due to it having scratches all over the car. My salesman saw them, but the floor manger said he could not see them and they offered to have the car detailed, I said no deal and left. This car was Winter Grey Metallic I think the color and the lighting had a lot to do with being able to see the scratches. The car was sitting on the lot for nearly a year, careless lot techs could have caused most of the scratches. What color is your car?

    I went back a week later and picked up a scratch free 2011 V w/ ATP. I now wash my car the night before I take it in for servicing one so it is easier to spot damage and two so they are not tempted to wash it for me.

    Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
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  3. firecracker_rc

    firecracker_rc New Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    San Diego
    2011 Prius
    Yeah, I have the Winter Grey. Love the color. Congrats on your new V. My car only had 2 miles on it. It was perfect and I'd been hand washing it. I have no idea what I was thinking! I wasn't. Anyway, the wash caused the fine scratches but the gash must have been someone's belt clip or clipboard or something. He was busy explaining how the car wash couldn't have caused it and I assured him that I agreed, but someone there scratched it with something metal. Gheez@!

    After this I have no idea where to go for service since none of the dealers in San Diego seem to have good reviews. This one is so close to home I can smell it...I sadly am thinking of driving to Anaheim and beyond if I can find trustworthy service.
  4. firecracker_rc

    firecracker_rc New Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    San Diego
    2011 Prius
    Ah, I told them to keep on file that I do not ever want my car washed there in the future. And of course will remind them should I ever have the misfortune of having to go there again after my repair.

    Not only is it close but I bought my car there from a very nice salesman. Would love to have given them my loyalty.
  5. 32kcolors

    32kcolors Senior Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    Redondo Beach, CA
    2010 Prius
    Have you ever washed it before the dealer did? If you didn't, it's possible that the scratches were there before you bought the car and they covered them up with a glaze during prep making them unnoticeable. Those glazes don't last through car washes too well, hence brilliantly revealing the scratches.

    I was shocked at the number of brand new black Lexus sitting on a dealer's lot with swirl marks, obviously caused by whatever washing regime they used.
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  6. firecracker_rc

    firecracker_rc New Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    San Diego
    2011 Prius
    Yeah, I've been washing it by hand. This car was freshly delivered to the lot the night I bought it. No hidden scratches on this one. The one deep scratch that I'm pressing them to fix though is not possible to hide with any wax, glaze or finish.
  7. Gary Otto

    Gary Otto Member

    Jul 17, 2011
    Silver Springs, FL
    2011 Prius
    The service writers at DeLuca Toyota in Ocala do a walk around with the owner before releasing the car to the techs. I'm sure owners could initiate this and annotate it on the service ticket prior to service.
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  8. jhinsc

    jhinsc Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2010
    South Carolina
    Other Non-Hybrid
    You have to watch the attendants washing your car at "hand wash" car washes too. Leaning to get the top of car wiped down during the wash and drying, if the attendant has a metal belt buckle that's not covered, they'll lean on the sides and potentially scratch it. I saw my car at the wash being attended to but watched all the people ahead before they got to my car. I brought to the attention of the manager about one guy with this big buckle on his belt rubbing up against the sides of cars while he was drying - he ended taking off his belt before he got to my car.
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  9. firecracker_rc

    firecracker_rc New Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    San Diego
    2011 Prius
    Thank you. Could someone offer suggestions or experience with handling this situation going forward? I'm scheduled to go in on Monday. I'm wondering if I should write a letter/if there's any chance that they could make things worse or cause other damage when I take it back to get fixed and what to do to prevent that/if the guy I dealt with will try and blow me off when I return and how to prevent or address that should it occur/etc. I also would prefer not to have to deal with that rep anymore. I find him rude and patronizing. Could I complain to management and have them handle it so I don't have to go head-on-head with this service rep anymore? I just want the car fixed as simply and painlessly as possible, and realize I may need to prepare myself and do what I need to do to make that happen.
  10. stream

    stream Senior Member

    May 12, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    2010 Prius
    If you feel you are not being treated appropriately by the service person you've been dealing with, I'd call the dealer and ask to speak to the service director. Explain the situation, and say you want to meet him so he can see the damage and expedite resolving the situation.

    Hard to tell without pix, but it might be that simply buffing won't remove the scratch, and that color sanding and buffing is required, in which case I would insist on having it done by a body shop (on the dealership's dime, of course), because an inexperienced person could very well do more damage than good.
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  11. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Dealing with this situation is tricky.

    Seems to me what you want is two fold. #1. You want them to take responsibility for the damage they did. #2. You want them to repair it to "new" condition.

    The problem? Is it's basically your word against theirs. If they don't accept that they did the damage, going to be very difficult to prove that they did it. Also? Even if they accept a "degree" of responsibility, the next step is resolution, and from the dealerships P.O.V. they are "Probably" going to want to try and placate you as cheaply as possible.

    So there is no real A-Z answer here, in my opinion. I think the best thing you can do is state your case, at every level possible or needed, and give the dealership the chance to do right. They either will...or will not. If they do not repair the damage to your satisfaction, you're kinda stuck. Probably not worth the financial or emotional costs of escalating the battle.

    Sometimes we expect the worst and discover the best. Hopefully the dealership steps up to the plate.
    1 person likes this.
  12. rogerv

    rogerv Senior Member

    Dec 10, 2008
    Simi Valley, California
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I haven't had scratches from dealer washes, but rather the "hats" they used to use to identify cars in for service. My Toyota dealer finally switched to the paper tags they hand on the mirror, thankfully. I used to put a handmade sign inside saying "No Wash" but then for a couple of years the dealer stopped offering washes, and I got out of the habit. So today I went in to have the rear hatch struts replaced, and what do I get, but their free wash. Fortunately, it is a hand wash, but they do such a poor job of drying the cars that I had to spend about ten minutes with a towel wiping inside the doorsills and all around the exterior. I never take my cars to a carwash, but always do them at home, so this really ticks me off. :mad:
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  13. k9frog

    k9frog New Member

    Apr 22, 2011
    sullivan co ny
    Other Non-Hybrid
    yesterday i bought my prius in for the 5000 mile service,because of what ive read here in the forum i checked over the car when i got home ,1st the lug nuts were torque to 115 to 120 ftlbs which tells me they use an air gun , 2 of my alumium wheels have gouge marks were they removed my hub caps, the marks are right next to were the slots are on the hub cap,
    I did call the service manager and explained what happened ,i told him with no question about it you will repair or replace the wheels that you damaged, i cant believe what these people did to my car, this car was spottless before they got ahold of it, that was the last time i will have this car serviced by anyone but me, i have to bring the car in monday so they can see the damage, it might be nothing to them but to me they damaged my 25000 car, what was amazing i said to him what did you do have a clean-up man do the service he told me it was a A-TECH end of story ,ill know more monday what there going to do to fix this,so i understand what your feeling!!
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  14. firecracker_rc

    firecracker_rc New Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    San Diego
    2011 Prius
    So sorry to hear about your car! Please keep me posted on how it goes getting it resolved. Wishing you the best!
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  15. firecracker_rc

    firecracker_rc New Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    San Diego
    2011 Prius
    Thank you, I think this would be appropriate and helpful.

    They took it somewhere offsite and tried to buff it out the first day and it does look much better but I still don't like the fact that there's a visible scratch, it will definitely need more than buffing.

    The 3rd objective is that they don't cause additional damage while it's in their care for the repair. Therefore I think I will speak to a higher up about this and make sure to do a walk about before releasing it to them. I wonder if it possible I could stay with the car?? I hate the fact these days that you have to leave your car in the hands of a mechanic while sitting in some room blindly. I much prefer to be able to see the mechanic working on my car. In the past I've had this good fortune now it's all about liability.

    Thanks for the suggestions. I agree it's not worth escalating beyond my initial attempts at repair.
  16. sdtundra

    sdtundra Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2008
    Sacramento, CA
    2011 Prius
    Why do I have a really bad feeling I know which dealership you're talking about? Is there a Lexus dealership next door? I had this same thing happen with my 2008. They take it through an automated carwash with the dreaded brushes.

    Any automatic wash I use is touch free using just high pressure water jets and 8 high powered fans at the end to dry. (2 on each side, 1 in front, 1 in rear, 2 overhead) No touching, no potential for scratches and does a pretty good job other than small detailing in the wheels.
  17. firecracker_rc

    firecracker_rc New Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    San Diego
    2011 Prius
    Hey, so happy to bump into a fellow SD prius owner on here. Well, I'm not afraid to say it's Mossy. If they repair the situation I'll speak up for them.

    Looks like you were buying the same car as me only 6 days earlier and a damned good deal! Congratulations! If you're open I'd love to discuss mileage and such with you, considering we are driving on the same terrain and in the same climate. Where did you buy your prius? And have you found a service department you trust? Maybe from when you had the 2008..
  18. sdtundra

    sdtundra Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2008
    Sacramento, CA
    2011 Prius
    Hey, well last tank I drove it pretty aggresively and only got 47 but usuallyy im at 49-51. Driving to El Centro in 10 minutes so we'll see how that turns out. Problem with me is I live at 800ft and have to drive up a steep hill that goes from 420ft to 800 in less than half a mile. Also cutting through the El Cajon valley and going up hills isn't fun. I bought my 08 from Bob Baker in Lemon Grove and my 11 from El Cajon. Family has bought an Avalon from Poway, a Tundra from El Cajon, Camry from Bob Baker and gf has a Rav4 from Mossy.

    On the 08 I did the maintenance myself just to save time and know what was going in the oil pan. I took it to El Cajon for major service/warranty repairs. I hear Toyota Escondido is good as well as Carlsbad. May try Carlsbad out since I know some of the techs there its just a far drive
  19. artnc

    artnc Junior Member

    Oct 5, 2010
    Asheville NC
    2010 Prius
    I am not usually negative, but if a 3/4 inch scratch on a new Prius is such a stressful event, then maybe the poster needs to get a life and some therapy to deal with really problematic situations. For myself, I always welcome the first scratch or ding I get on any new car, sort of gets rid of the virgin thing and then I no longer am concerned about getting that first scratch or ding. IT IS ONLY A CAR!!!!
  20. firecracker_rc

    firecracker_rc New Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    San Diego
    2011 Prius
    I live on a hill, too, and work in La Jolla Village (big long hill going in). My round trip to&fro work is 20.6 miles and I can eek out 50mpg if I drive eco and don't hit the power range when accelerating. If I drive normally and just try to stay up with traffic going just about anywhere I'm only averaging about 42. Sounds like you're getting really good mileage, also sounds like your trips are longer, so that might account for my lower mileage(?). I'll be driving to Santa Anna today, so we'll see how she does on a longer trip at this point in the break in process. I'd be curious to know how your El Centro trip goes and any driving tips you employ.