SCH-a950 Has anyone tried this phone with the Prius? (I've tried to search for this particular phone but can't get anything on it) I don't have an MP3 player and thought this might be the answer. It's all-in-one design and TransFlash is appealing to me. I should be able to connect it through the Aux input in the Prius correct? Bluetooth.......yeah, I know, here we go again. I use Verizon and I know there are issues with the phonebook/OBEX transfer thingy. (I'll try the laptop transfer) How does the bluetooth work (quality wise) with the Prius? Anyone have experience with this? Thank you, Aaron Verizon SCH-a950
Here's one reply. Not too encouraging, however: The Prius Bluetooth sounds fine with SOME phones. The Motorola e815 is fine, for instance. Hold back on any rebates until you test the phone.
Hey thanks jwe8f! That was helpful! Don't know why I could not get that on the search. Seems like the guy got it to work after a run-around but it may be inconsistent at best. Looks like I'll hold off on that phone for a while...won't throw it out but I'll wait and see if the "software update" works well. Jeeeeez....I've been a Verizon customer for...well since years before they were Verizon and I'm not one bit concerned about trying 14 phones in 14 days from them if I have to! Gonna go look at the 815? and moto330? (think this one is T-mobile though). I must have quality (sound and Bluetooth consistency) but I can live with phonebook transfer problems. (should be able to get a phonebook in there with a laptop I'm pretty sure) So, I'll consider a carrier change to get what I need for sure. Thanks again man! Aaron Anyone else?
For Verizon folks, the E815 is a good choice. It's basically an upgraded V710 and I've had a V710 for almost a year. It has never failed to pair with my 04 Prius and the sound quality is excellent. Also, consider the Nokia 6256i. It has just about all the bells and whistles PLUS uncrippled Bluetooth. Prius (and Lexus) owners have been able to transfer their phonebooks to their cars with the 6256i. It's a one-at-a-time proposition but, apparently, it works and works well. The problem with the 6256i is that it's only sold through indirect channels; you can't buy one from a Verizon store, Verizon online, or Verizon telesales......yet. However, Best Buy and Radio Shack stock them. Finally, the new CDMA RAZR (V3c) was just released and there have been a few reports that it has OBEX. It won't hit VZW stores until Monday but is available for order online or via telesales.
tag, I really appreciate that! Like you said, I checked out the 6256i and the new RAZR V3c too. Both of those do not have the MP3 feature though (dang it). Looks like, as of right now, the Moto 815 is my best bet. Have you done a phonebook transfer via a laptop? Two more questions for you tag... Does your 715 have digit dialing? And now that the 06 Prius has voice dial (and I saw on one of the screen shots here that it has dial "by name" or "by number" you think digit dial will work from the 715/815 with this new feature? Thank you sooo much man! Aaron
I've done a PDA transfer using this dude's procedure:
Aaron, You're welcome! Re the 6256i and the V3c, they will play MP3s but, AFAIK, neither really makes a decent MP3 player. I know, for example, that you can't set up playlists with the 6256i. Rather, you have to play songs one at a time. As for the V3c, well, only 30MB of internal memory and no memory card slot, so not a lot of room for MP3s anyway. Re phonebook transfer, I searched around on ebay and found an old, used SE T68i. That thing has been fantastic. In fact, I just transferred the phonebook from my T68i to my car earlier this evening. The phone has the ability to transfer all contacts at once and it only took about a minute to transfer the entire phonebook. My V710 has both name dial and digit dial. Of course, neither works after the phone is paired with the car. As a result of the MY2006 changes, I would imagine the feature would work but I really don't know for sure. Hopefully, someone with an 06 can enlighten us.
any confirmation on this? i am in a position to geta new phone and change from providers from Sprint. i was about to sign up with cingular and a RAZR. However, if the V3c is not crippled i will probably go w/ verizon. thanks, drew