Thought I would share these pictures with the group. They were taken in a small town where I live on the East coast of Australia. The town is called Coffs Harbour. The Prius pictured belongs to a tourist attraction called the Pet Porpoise Pool. It is a very old and loved establishment by the locals, people come to see the dolphins and others perform, and by special invitation you can swim with them. Cheers. The Rear The Front
Really nice Prius art there GanDad. I've got some relatives in Coffs and spent a fair bit of time there as a kid. I actually went swimming with dolphins in that pool way back when. I hate to put a downer on this thread but I've got to say, these days however I'm not that convinced that keeping dolphins captive for our entertainment is such a great idea. BTW. There was another thread here recently that showed some really amazing Prius art the someone snapped in Hawaii. It was the best I've ever seen. Sadly I've tried to search for it but can't find it at the moment.
Found the other thread (had to search Honolulu instead of Hawaii). For some more really sweet Pri-Art see: (courtesy of Patrick Wong.)
nice vinyll wrap on there...but whats up with the headlights? did you wrap them by accident or is that clearcoat fade?
Hi uart That Prius looks good as well. It is a hard question about animals in captivity but the Pet porpoise pool has been there for at least 30 years and passes all tests with flying colours. I keep seeing people on the local TV who have come from far and wide to swim with the Dolphins and both the people and the Dolphins look very happy. @LIPriusFreak. You are correct I didn’t notice the headlights, the car is not mine , I just see it around town often and happened to have my iPhone handy to snap it.
That reminds me of a Gen III Prius and Highlander Hybrid I saw while visiting the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.