My spare change question made me think about the more general question -- what do you keep in the car all the time? Prius specific, new car specific, or just generally? Here is my (short) list so far: Must have: ------------ Registration (when I get it) & proof of insurance Good to have: ---------------- Tire pressure gauge: used to use the one attached to the gas station's air hose, now I'm willing to pay closer attention. First aid kit (my family camping one that has stuff like kids tylenol for my son, as well as an instant cold pack, etc.) Unused credit card & $20 Tiny LED flashlight (I should put something in a bit larger ...) Convenience: ---------------- Lightweight fleece blanket (to protect that light upholstery if I need to be hospitalble to a friend & their dog, to keep the kid warm if needed, or for picnics/beach triops). Small foldable umbrella
I keep a bigger flashlight in the armrest/console, along with a microfiber towel to wipe the fingerprint smudges off of the screen. I haven't found the "perfect" change holder yet, but I'm looking. I would not keep a credit card in the car. That stays with me. (The $20 sounds like a good idea, though.)
I finally got one of the Auto Power vacuum/inflator/light/jumper units from although this one isn't as nice as the apparently discontinued one I got on markdown to $40. It inflates a tire reasonably well, but I only had to add 3 pounds to one when I tried it out. There's a 10 minute time limit on running the compressor, and it only took maybe 3 to top off the tire. The vacuum does work, although I would expect a dedicated vacuum to be better. Haven't tried the jumper, but I need to have the main power outlet made hot all the time before it would work anyway. The light looks OK. Beyond that, I have a squeegee to get the morning dew off the windows and a collapsible box my mom gave me stored in the 'trunk' so I can put groceries and stuff into a container rather than have them roll around. I wish the 'trunk' was bigger/deeper so the Auto Power would fit. Right now, the blanket that I carry too (Go, Bills!) is acting as camouflage for it...
I keep two fishing poles, my tackle backpack, and my waders (although I'll take the waders out in the summer). Those are essential, as you never know when the urge/opportunity to fish will pop up!!! Tightlines jtr
Road kit (got free for buying 4 Michelin tires for my pre-Prius) I keep in the underdeck area in the "wayback") 1st aid kit (main center console) (Road kit also has a 1st aid kit) Ice scraper/brush (under front passenger seat) Tire pressure guage (upper glove compartment) Manuals that came w/ car (lower glove compartmenet) Maps (LGC) Thermal cup (frontmost cup holder) Brian
6D cell maglite flashlight. The required "papers" of course. First aid kit Radar Detector GPS XM satellite radio equipment On occasion, one Great Pyrenees dog. :mrgreen:
Ok - here's my list.. Lower Glovebox: CD Walllet Owner's Manual Registration and Insurance info Book to read in case I'm really bored somewhere Upper Glovebox: Electronic Tire Pressure Gauge/Flashlight combo Some fast food gift certificates Some Dave and Busters tickets for the next time I may end up there Probably some other uneeded stuff Center Console: More CD's (jewel cases) Cell phone charger NiMH car charger (for digicam) Breathmints Some of Dianne's cards Vallet Instructions Hatch: Gym Bag w/ clothes for workout Extra shoes for gym Laptop Backpack (usually comes out, sometimes doesn't, tanneau cover hides it when it's not) Window squeege for those dewy mornings (in cargo net) First Aid Kit (toyota provided) Jacket - though probably not needed recently Sometimes a set of golf clubs Hatch underside (hidden area): Inflatable mattress (never took it out from my last trip) Extra blanket "just in case" I need it w/ the bed, or if a dog needs to ride. Hatch left underside (that small compartment where the left side of the cover is stowed): Surprisingly w/ all that storage, my car remains "clean" inside and uncluttered.
I purchased an AC/Delco 6-in-1 high pressure inflator (tires), low pressure inflator/deflator, battery jumper, work light, 12v plug-in combination from BJ's. It fits nicely in the compartment above the spare tire.....about $65, I believe.
Center Console Old wallet with all of my info cards/membership cards/etc. Contact lens solution Duct tape Business cards Fingernail clippers Tweezers (you'd be surprised how often this comes in handy) Mini flashlight Pepper spray Tape/Cd Cubby Delphi Roady XM radio (when not in use) Garmin iQue 3600 (when not in use) Backseat Floor Steinberger Spirit XT-25 bass guitar CanvasWorks sunshade Hatch/Trunk Ampeg BA115HP combo bass amp
My list: Under the trunk floor: 1. Small vacuum cleaner that works pretty well 2. Plastic tray to hold upholstery cleaner, wash'n wax, Armor-all, etc. 3. Small compressor to inflate tires; works reasonably well. 4. Jumper cables 5. Two flares 6. Small tool set: screwdrivers, pliers, cable ties, etc. 7. Quart of oil 8. Window squeegee (fall, winter) 9. Chains (winter) 10. Wool blanket (winter) Inside pax comparment: 1. Throw pillows and front seat cushions. 2. LED flashlight, red 3. Plastic film canister full of quarters 4. Small case with several pens, nail file. 5. Small towel for cleaning spills 6. Cat-tail duster along driver seat by door for dusting dash and panel. 7. Pop-out sun shades for front and rear windows 8. Zippered CD case 9. Calculator 10. Tire pressure guage 11. Maps in door bins. I like the separate storage compartment under the trunk deck; allows me to keep stuff out of the way and have a clean, open storage area with no clutter. Bob Owners Manual, warranties, maintenance books, etc, in vinyl case in passenger seatback pocket. Registration and proof of insurance in small nylon case in dash storage under radio.
Lower Glovebox: Owner's Manual Registration and Insurance info Swifter Duster Upper Glovebox: Electronic Tire Pressure Gauge/Flashlight combo gum (various) Altoids Checkbook Center Console: CD's (jewel cases) Cell phone charger Extra Sunglasses Various Prius Papers--Voice Commands List, NAV Quick Guide, etc. Vallet Instructions Wal-mart Gift Card (for gas discount) Remote for house alarm Car Wash Gift Card Ink pens, Mileage log Hatch: *Varies with season Sunvisor Solar Charger for 12v Insulated bag for cold foods Hatch underside (hidden area): Hatch left underside (that small compartment where the left side of the cover is stowed):
I neglected to mention the 2 car seats (soon to be 3) and scattered toys in the back seat. And a little trash bag secured to the back of the passenger seat head rest. Oh yea, and tissues in that bottom/hidden drawer, map in the slot in the driver's door.
upper glove box reggies and insurance flash light pen and paper center digital tire pressure gauge hand cream Kenny Wayne Shepard's Ledbetter Heights CD ( play it thru 3 times and I'm clinically depressed) another pen and paper (for suicide note) cell charger spare fuse (for charger) lip balm for the wife rear 2 plastic boxes plastic cooler that's it, anything else I buy as necessary, at 57 years of age I don't' need a lot else. I might throw in a Jeff Beck CD occasionally.
Lower Glovebox: Registration , owners manual, insurance, AAA stuff and Maps(even for us GPS people), Entertainment Coupon Book Upper Glovebox: Microfiber towel (Costco) for screen smudges Extra sunglasses Center Console: Pocket PC charger Cell phone earpiece (I do not have a Bluetooth phone) Mileage log, calculator, pen Removable Light that fits in battery charger Hubby Sunglasses Altoids Tire guage Front of console in little space - Parking pass- hangs on rear view mirror, valet cards Under Center Console- Drawer- Kleenex Beside Center Console- Super Jumbo Sun Shades Passenger side Sun Visor- Kleenex container Both Door Holders- Kleenex and trash bag Under back seat- umbrella Hatch- left hole: Small Baby blanket for wrapping antique china in Fleece blanket for protecting the carpeting in the back Baseball Hat Hatch underside (hidden area): Route 66 tote bag with tools, flares, fire extinguisher California Duster Extra tennis shoes, socks in case I have to walk anywhere (hold over from old car) Yes, hubby sneezes alot. It still looks uncluttered..
I keep my pet hippopotamus, Marvin, in my Prius. People have a hard time believing that he fits in there, but as long as he does not try to open his mouth all the way there's no problem. I can't bring him into the house because I live in a no-pets apartment building. I take him down to the river and we romp in the mud together. Marvin loves mud. I have to hose him down pretty good before I let him back into the Prius or he'd get the carpets dirty. I also keep a frisby in the Prius, but Marvin is a lousy frisby player. It's not that he can't catch it. You'd be surprised how fast a hippo can run when he feels like it. It's just that he has no sporting spirit. He'd rather slop around in the mud, or sit on the bottom of the river for five minutes at a time. The first time he did that I thought he had drowned or swum away underwater or something. But then I found out that hippos can hold their breath a really long time. Marvin's a real show-off that way. So I play frisby by myself. Sometimes girls come along the pathway and ask me what I'm doing. I tell them I'm playing frisby while I wait for my pet hippopotamus to come up for air. They think I'm retarded or something. Boy, are they ever surprised when Marvin surfaces and opens his mouth all the way (hippos can open their mouths so wide you wouldn't believe it!) and comes trotting up the river bank to me and rolls over and begs me to rub his belly! I keep other stuff in my Prius too, but none of it is as interesting as Marvin. Even the frisby is not as interesting as Marvin. He's a really cool hippopotamus.