I have noticed that on frosty mornings, I start out with the entire roof covered in a layer of frost. About 15 minutes into my drive there is a patch of melted frost on the roof right over the overhead console: At the end of by commute, ~25 min., 14 mi., the melted patch has gotten bigger: So, what is going on inside/under/behind the console to cause this condition? None of the console lights are on. There is nothing in the door opener/sunglasses holder. Defrost used intermittently and only enough to keep windshield clear. Some kind of resistive heating? OK, but by what? I don't consider this a safety issue. I'd just like to know what's going on. FWIW, the same thing happens on the Yaris (same day, just happened to see this at 7-11):
In the location of the sun-glass holder and map lights. Probably less insulation in that area in fact probably none. Try filling the sun-glass holder with insulation and see if it makes a difference. Hal
Hal, Thanks. I think that's a reasonable suspicion. But, here's new evidence to the contrary... Last night we had a light snowfall. Here's a pix of my car this morning. It sat out all night, and I haven't even touched the car -- snow on windshield -- never mind driven it yet today: See the melted snow spots above where the overhead console is? They match up with the pattern shown in the first pix in my OP. Something, probably electrical, is going on in there to cause that. What the heck could it be? :noidea:
My 'backup' prius i bought a few months back was purchased from someone who had used cheap summer windshield washer fluid, the front nozzles were frozen solid a few weeks ago but my rear washer fluid worked fine, obviously warm air from the cabin was warming the tube that carried the fluid through the roof. So I agree that warm air from the cabin can warm the roof, especially above the sunglass holder. Fortunately things warmed up, i sprayed the cheap stuff onto my car for 20 minutes and added good winter washer fluid and all is well.
Although it pains me to admit it... :brick: I can see now that I haven't done enough to rule out heating by way of air leaks into the console. I'm going to add some insulating material to the sunglasses holder, etc and see what happens on the next frosty morn... More info when the weather cooperates. :typing: