When I come to a stop the ICE starts and stops up to 10 times in a row, don't mater if the heat is on or off. Has anyone experianced this problem?
Sounds like a pretty long light. It should only come on and off every few minutes (worst case), are you saying it is doing this every few seconds?
Yup, if you take a look at your energy screen it usually occurs when there is a high (green level) State of Charge on the battery. The car is bleeding off some of the charge as part of it's battery maintainence programming. It'll also, sometimes, do that when the ICE temp is at an in between point...IOW, it must be at a certain temp (let's just say 140 degrees) before it'll shut off on it's own at a stop. So if, when you stop, the ICE temp was 141 degrees the ICE shuts down....sit for just a few seconds and it cools down to 139 and it starts again, almost immediately the temp goes back over the 140 threshold and shuts off again...cycle repeats. But honestly, the most common reason is the first one I mentioned.
IM, Where are you? It was -2F this morning in Northern Chicagoland as I drove to work. My ICE was on more on than off. Even at a dead stop. And by the time it was warm enough to shut off, it was time to move and it came on again.
mine does similar...when its cold out...the colder it is the more on off on off stuff you get...with temps in ther teens for highs and below 0 for lows around here im lucky to get it to shut down at all
I can often shut down my engine (when it's a little warm) by engaging EV. As a bonus, it bleeds off some charge. Would that work, Evan?
Yeah, my battery has reached and maintained levels of green I NEVER see in the summer when I can stealth with ease. I would love to sit in traffic and crawl at sub-25 speeds to bleed off the charge and save a little gas.
I sort of agree. That is most likely the reason; however, it is an extraordinarily rare circumstance for those that don't have a drive which includes a significant elevation change... since I nor any of my local friends have ever experienced it. Seeing all 8 bars green virtually never occurs for me. In fact, I have only seen it 3 times over the past 45,000 miles. 2 of those were the direct result of driving down a steep hill for over a 2 miles. The other included a much smaller hill combined with a bunch of close stoplights all abruptly turning red and the temperature close to 0F.
Yep here too even with our moderate temperatures. The ScanGage is showing the ICE is on more and more. I am seeing more green this year and saw more green last year in the winter. ICE is staying on more and cooling off faster at a stop light. All in all winter is a major bummer.
Let me add something here to put things in some perspective. John has about 5-6 years of experience driving the Prius. His technique is optimal. And I think that is a large part of the reason he so rarely sees all green, even in winter. The battery SOC is maintained at a much higher level during the winter cold than in the summer heat...if left to its own devices. I am entering my 3rd winter with the Prius so my first winter is still pretty clear in my mind. I vividly remember several stops on my regular commute where I would routinely encounter the on-off-on-off cycling with a nearly full SOC of the battery. And these were rolling tiny hills, not big long mountains that this occured on. But at that time I was doing absolutely nothing at all special with my driving...didn't know what to do. Thus, the conditions were such that with the cold weather higher permitted SOC plus road conditions that allowed that SOC to climb just a bit more than usual as I rolled to a long stop I'd get in that condition. Now a days, however, that doesn't happen. The only time I've encountered any of the on-off cycling is on a few long hills that I drive once or twice a month IF I have to stop at a light near the bottom of the hill...I'm peaked out at 8 bars and it'll cycle unless I managed to hit the EV button before coming to a full stop. (which, btw, I do there b/c the next part of the drive is a slightly uphill 30mph 1/2 jaunt so I can usually do the whole thing on just electric with that full charge). Those areas where I used to experience the cycling I no longer do. I attribute that due to some changes in my driving technique...namely much more gliding..such that my overall SOC, even in winter, rarely goes over 6 bars since I encourage stealth and gliding when possible/benefitial. And, to answer the question about using the EVb--yes, I think it does help and, indeed, at one part of my commute in particular it's slightly uphill as you approach the light for about 200 meters. If I don't use the EVb the ICE will run but with in the 70mpg range spilling excess power into the battery--that's what used to top off my charge at that particular stop and cause the cycling. So, now, I hit the EV button as soon as I drop to 33mph and use a little battery charge to maintain enough speed to coast calmly to a stop.
Oh! Good point. I don't even think about what my foot does anymore. It's just like what happens riding a bike... efficiency becomes habit.
I have to say that I have been doing that recently to "bleed off" the green to my advantage! Thanks for confirming an idea that I had that might help me. I always get information I need around here. Thanks John1701a. Saves me days of experimentation.
I've had this same thing happen to me 3 or 4 times now. It's very noticable because like you said, it turns on and off quite a few times rapidly. It's weird and I actually turned off my car at a light in hopes that it would stop. (since I didn't know what was going on)
If it's just trying to run down the battery a little, I'm surprised it actually starts the ICE. It seems like it would only need to spin the engine continuously without providing fuel or spark.
talk to my dealer today and I will see them tomorrow. They will preform the recall and install my new arm rest. They also will let me talk with the tech about the problem.