My local dealer finally found an 11 III in Barcelona Red *YEAH* after many calls today.. I can get it locally, or travel to another dealer.. The car is in Central IL somewhere and I am in southeast MO.. My dilemma 1. the price... sticker is 25689 plus 99.00 dealer fees... MY trade the the problem I guess.. I have a 2010 Mazda 6 with 35k miles on it and they are showing 13,300 trade but not taking anything off the sticker on the other car.. Now i know its a numbers game, and it comes down to they aren't really giving me 13,300 on the car, they are giving me less and therefore not showing any off the sticker on the car.. 2.. I would have to sign the contract and buy the car sight unseen, not driven , and I HATE that.. if it doesnt run right, I cannot do anything but have them fix it,.. Any advice? Anyone live in Central Illinois LOL... I was thinking about going to another dealer who is an hour away in ILLinois Saturday who prices the car about 1000 lower but I am afraid it will just be 1000 less on the trade and its a wash.. the dealer who is local offers a free lifetime warranty from Great American Insurance Company which i figure is a hoax... So, what do you think?: If i go to another dealer i take a chance on it disappearing, and not saving money, losing the probably no good warranty.. The first one i looked at 3 or 4 weeks ago in St Louis was a II and they wanted 200 more than this deal... thanks
I would think they would be wanting to unload the 11's. Maybe not, but the 12's are coming in every week. It doesn't seem like much of a deal. How desperate are you at this point? Can you wait them out? Are you set on the red? Any chance you could sell your Mazda yourself? I have no idea whether that is a good trade in. The experts say to negotiate the car price separate from the trade-in. Clearly your dealer thinks you will jump at the Barcelona Red model even at full price after the model year. You just have to convince him that you won't. There is a "what did you pay" thread somewhere in this forum, that might give you a better idea of a realistic price, but I wouldn't think he could get full sticker price after the new models were out. *no experience, just widely read (on this list) edited to fix stupid spelling error
Pretty typical -- if you want the dealer to take your trade-in your negotiating position is weak. The way to save a couple thousand is to sell the car yourself, then buy the Prius. Unsolicited advice: the way to *really* save money is to stop exchanging cars every couple years. You are eating high depreciation every time.
From your previous thread, it sounds like you are really hung up on color. So I'd say you need to decide what's most important, saving a few bucks right now or looking at it for the rest of your life (you said it might be the last car you'll own).
Yes the color is important because I will be keeping it. No more trading for me. If its paid off and I want another Prius that's a different story. I do not like losing money by trading now but the Mazda is junk. They told me the Mazda is really worth almost 2000 less so in reality they are taking it off the car. I did walk out of the dealership. If I wait around and lose the 11 then I will be out a lot more mOney for a 12 unless I wait until its 0 percent and who knows when that will be.
Yes the color is important because I will be keeping it. No more trading for me. If its paid off and I want another Prius that's a different story. I do not like losing money by trading now but the Mazda is junk. They told me the Mazda is really worth almost 2000 less so in reality they are taking it off the car. I did walk out of the dealership. If I wait around and lose the 11 then I will be out a lot more mOney for a 12 unless I wait until its 0 percent and who knows when that will be.
I sell my cars at car max and get a little more than i would get in a trade. That keeps the new deal easier. If you really want the Prius just get it i paid sticker for mine but it was April 2011 very short supply then and it was an inbound car the dealer had none on the lot. I don't regret the deal at msrp one bit we love the Prius.
This is a perfect example of a buyer being inflexible, and getting taken to the cleaners. That sounds like a HORRIBLE deal to me. How can a 2 year old M6 be worth 13.3 ? When I buy a car and they ask what color ?? I say ... doesn't matter to me .... the one I can get the best deal on. After all the negotiations are DONE ... I just casually say ... gee I think I'd like a grey one. Get one for me ... would you ? Never had a dealer complain or fail to get what I wanted. A 2010 Mazda 6 for 13.3 ... they are KILLING you ... is it wrecked or something ? When you go in to a car dealer dying for a specific car color and trim ... you are just begging to be taken advantage of. But then you already found that out. I'd RUN away from that dealer as fast as possible, and fine-tune your auto negotiation skills before you try again. Toyota is begging people to take these cars off their hands, and you're paying list price ... lets connect the dots here .... it's a terrible deal. Out of curiosity .... why is the Mazda 6 'junk' ... I had one a few years ago and it was a good car ... not a great car ... but certainly not 'junk'. I guess I'm having a hard time seeing why with a 2010 car ... you're so desperate to get out of it and into a 2011 car. Are you absolutely SURE you want a Prius ?? Or will you be changing your mind again in a year and a half ? You're getting killed with trade-in depreciation. If I were you ... I'd tell the dealer that you've re-thought things, and you can't take that kind of a loss on your trade, and you're going to keep it and do nothing. That should bring them to their senses, re-establish you as not so desperate, and allow you to get a far better deal. At least that's what I'd do. You NEVER want to appear inflexible or desperate when dealing with these sharks ... if they sense blood in the water ... you're DONE ... and you're bleeding into the water pretty badly. Just trying to help. REV
really really bad deal, I must agree with the others, sell your car yourself, that nets you an additional 2K, and just buy a 12. The savings on privately selling your trade in will offset the 0%...Run the numbers and run from that "deal".
I didn't tell the dealer I had to have it. In fact quite the opposite. Kbb lists the car under what they offered and so does nada. They do sell that cheap. They already think the deal is off. It was really quick on my part and I showed no interest at their best offer. Funny thing is when I went to st Louis a few weeks ago on my first test drive the best deal they wanted to give was a prius 2 for 400 more than this Prius 3. And yes my car was backed into when it was a couple of months old. Minor but now has a bad carfax. Looks great. Has never been right as far as transmission and mazda has been horrible. I never had any problems with Toyota on warranty issues.
Just so you know, my 2011 Accord Coupe trade-in, with a whopping 5k miles on ODO, so clean they basically called it a new car. It was $26k sticker and I paid $25.5k (too much) ... anyrate, the trade in was $18.3k I hated trading the car in, but I just wasn't going to make it through a private sale. I just didn't want a taut riding 2 door, 27.5 MPG coupe after all. Sigh, got through it and I'm seeing a very long time with this Prius barring major accident. No regrets, no wishing I had something else. Yeah, I see what else is out there for fun, but I won't be acting on it. It's just a car and does the job well. I would think the Mazda could bring a little closer to $15k, maybe 14.8 ?? But, not discounting the Prius is a joke. Must be a plain three with a couple add ons because a Plain Three is $25,480 total MSRP with a set of carpet mats here. My 'price' was $22,688 , but they do it funny, the dealer price was $23,688, then they tax in full, and apply $1k rebate at the end. This was back in November '11, so I imagine 2011 supply is just about gone unless one will take any color, and the 12's likely aren't discounted too much, but I don't really know or care. cool thing is Toyota Sunnyvale is a 'hassle free zone'. There basically is no price haggling. They say they give their best price up front, and it's usually quite good. They sell loads of Prius' so I imagine they don't like to haggle out on every one.
Thanks CD..i was hoping you would reply.. I *wish* the midwest had pricing like you do. An hour away in Marion, IL Marion Toyota prices like that with no haggle... You want to know what the sticker is on a 3? 24,900 BOTTOM LINE.. Yes, i am serious. That's cash, trade, whatever. I don't know if its because of the area I live or ?? Trading is horrible around here, I used to be able to get much better deals, now its like they don't care if they sell it or not, especially since there are so few 11's left with 0 percent.. they know they will sell.. I just decided to check Edmunds because they are higher than KBB usually, here is what it said.. Trade-In Private Party Dealer Retail National Base Price $12,881 $14,100 $15,098 Optional Equipment $204 $226 $272 Rear Spoiler $204 $226 $272 Color Adjustment - White $-41 $-45 $-48 Regional Adjustment - for Zip Code 63701 $38 $41 $44 Mileage Adjustment - 35,000 miles $-450 $-450 $-450 Condition Adjustment - Clean $0 $0 $0 Total $12,632 $13,872 $14,916 So they offered me almost Private Party Price which is 1,000 over trade in so they are technically discounting it 1,000... any thoughts??
Thanks CD..i was hoping you would reply.. I *wish* the midwest had pricing like you do. An hour away in Marion, IL Marion Toyota prices like that with no haggle... You want to know what the sticker is on a 3? 24,900 BOTTOM LINE.. Yes, i am serious. That's cash, trade, whatever. I don't know if its because of the area I live or ?? Trading is horrible around here, I used to be able to get much better deals, now its like they don't care if they sell it or not, especially since there are so few 11's left with 0 percent.. they know they will sell.. I just decided to check Edmunds because they are higher than KBB usually, here is what it said.. Trade-In Private Party Dealer Retail National Base Price $12,881 $14,100 $15,098 Optional Equipment $204 $226 $272 Rear Spoiler $204 $226 $272 Color Adjustment - White $-41 $-45 $-48 Regional Adjustment - for Zip Code 63701 $38 $41 $44 Mileage Adjustment - 35,000 miles $-450 $-450 $-450 Condition Adjustment - Clean $0 $0 $0 Total $12,632 $13,872 $14,916 So they offered me almost Private Party Price which is 1,000 over trade in so they are technically discounting it 1,000... any thoughts??
Everything I have been taught says get the price of the car first, ,than when ur ready to buy it get the value of your trade in. Otherwise dealers confuse the crap out of you with numbers. Bottom line. Bad deal.
If you want to talk yourself into this deal ... go for it, and be happy ! The response has been pretty clear here that most think it's NOT a good deal. They should be STARTING at invoice for a 2011 (THEN minus whatever rebates there are) on the Prius .... THEN giving you clean trade in on the Mazda .... not selling at full retail, and trading at wholesale. What's wrong with the Mazda's trans ? And why is Mazda not fixing it if there's something wrong ... it has a 60K drivetrain warranty ? Is there something actually WRONG with it (defective), or is it just something that you don't like ? I would start over by emailing every Toyota dealer within several hundred miles for their best deal on leftover 2011's. Almost all dealers have internet sales people. You can negotiate right on the computer without spending a dime, using them against each other. When you find a good offer (think INVOICE), arm yourself with your trade values in printouts from the big trade valuators (hint ... use whichever one is HIGHEST and negotiate FROM THERE DOWNWARD ... not from their lowball number UPWARD). Even if I had to drive 200 miles to get the deal I'd do it. Most will give you a ballpark number on your trade, subject to change upon seeing the car, but do this AFTER getting the bottom dollar price on the Prius. Many times with new car purchases it's just a numbers game ... you go to two dealers you get those numbers ... you go to ten dealers .... you get better numbers. I guarantee that there's a dealer that WANTS to make a sale and will discount and value your trade more fairly. The dealers are NOT IN COMMAND ... YOU ARE .... don't ever let them think they're in command .... I don't care if they have one Prius leftover .... or 20. If I go to a dealer and they act like they're doing me a favor by selling me a car ... I'm gone. Dealers compete for MY business ... not the other way around. REV
Read through New car buying guide, avoiding dealer scams, new cars, used car buying and if you are a member go to redirect to build a car & get up to 3 dealer quotes. Get quotes from as far away as you are willing to drive to pick up the car. In a dealer trade they will just drive the red one to your dealer & drive something else back. This is not the time to be picky. All of the inventory is on the lot & shrinking every day. Rising gas prices aren't helping either. Find that red one's lot. Contact that dealer's internet sales dept., negotiate the deal & give them a credit card to hold the car for a couple days. Is the Mazda's tranny out of warranty due to the collision? If so, that's probably the reason for the low value.
went to a different dealer, another tomorrow will be the last one.. Prius III I got them from 25968 sticker to 23658 plus 175 dealer fees.. MUCH BETTER.. but i have to take the car to them tomorrow also to see what the trade will be.. I negotiated the price on the prius first..
Awesome !!! That's great news. If they lowball you on your trade, stand firm and tell them you'll just have to keep looking for a dealer who will put some more money in your trade. Since you really don't HAVE to do ANYTHING .... you're already in a really nice car and you won't take an unnecessary loss on it ... wink wink. REV