Will the PHV be smart about oil changes requirements? For owners driving a majority of miles in EV mode, I would expect very few oil changes to be necessary. But how can that be determined? Will the onboard computer keep track of ICE miles driven and turn on the maintenance light only after 10,000 ice miles?
Yes, Gen 3 with synthetic oil is 10K, I suspect the PiP will be exactly the same, regardless of how many of them happen to be "EV" miles.
Why wouldn't that matter? If you drive a lot and mostly use EV (ICE not turning), why should the oil need to be changed?
Because its already at 10,000 miles, and the engine is going to run, if you need heat or AC most likely, also I doubt the PiP will track Pure EV versus blended mileage on separate odometers. The PiP is a hybrid, it is NOT an EV
Of course it tracks EV percentage against the HV. We've seen multiple videos showing it. Oil changes should apply only when the HV mode reaches 10.000 miles driven. Edit: Here you go...
Plenty of oil analysis on BITOG show that 10K is good and will protect your engine. Oil analysis is the undisputed way to tell when the best time to change oil is and at 10K the oil is still good.
The first two years or 25000 miles are part of the included free maintenance anyway, right? EVO 4G ?.
Why doesn't Toyota just license GM's oil life monitoring system? It's nearly as good as using oil analysis to determine when to change the oil.
Do what you want but if you go over 10k on oil changes warranty can be void. Also if you don't even use 0-20 synthetic could be void. It would be up to Toyota, why would you take that chance ?
First the confession-- I changed my oil at 98,000 miles. Last change was 16 months ago at 80,000 miles. I always do my own, except for that previous one since it was at a garage due to cracked filter holder. That mechanic over-filled, about 3/4" high on the dip stick. I did not add any oil in between and it was right at the full mark when I changed. Not much usage there! About 1/3 of those miles were EV. I generally change right at 10,000 mile, EV/ICE combined.
While that post is a decade old, it's a misstatement to say that without saying the rest. As often reminded on PriusChat, when you look in the Gen 3 Warranty and Maintenance Guide, you see a 5,000 mile/6 month interval if your driving hits any of several criteria, or a 10,000 mile/12 month interval otherwise. You can look at that as a 10,000 mile OCI that changes to 5,000 miles if your answer is yes to any of those driving questions. That's completely equivalent to saying the recommendation is 5,000 miles unless you can truthfully answer no to all of the questions. That's reflected in the built-in reminder, which comes on every 5,000 miles.
Change it at 5k anyway. Oil analysis won't show you the damage you've done to the rings by getting them stuck
Ice or Hybrid, all of our vehicles get engine oil changes every 6-months or 5,000 miles whichever comes first. Not one of our vehicles burns oil or has any issues. (Oldest is a 2008 Corolla, which I just serviced this weekend, and engine looks new with 147,000 miles on her....the outcoming oil didn't even look that dark, which is a good sign.) The vast majority of cars do not fit into the 10,000 oil changes category so why risk it?