Does anyone know if this is possible. I am starting to hate to crouch over while driving to turn the heated seats on. I want to relocate it to the left or right side of the steering wheel where there are empty plugs.
The 2010 placement, not to mention the orientation (top is left, bottom is right), would win the all-time stupidest button placement for all cars ever made. Any place better than below the flying bridge would be far better. Are there blank spots remaining at the lower left part of the dash to the left of the steering wheel? That's where I would move it to, unless the passenger would want their own access to it.
Check with your dealer, pretty sure Toyota sells a crooked wooden stick with a mirror that helps with pushing these buttons.
While the button is in the worst possible location/orientation, how often do you actually have to use it? I turn it on either when I first get in the car on a frosty morning, or, make sure it is on the night before if I know I'll use the remote start the following morning. Besides those times, I hardly need to use it while driving.
Ergonomics is what I'm hoping for. I am picky at which my temp is set. So I'd like to have the option of turning the heating element on/off. Lets hope the wires will be long enough to stretch to the left or right side of the steering wheel. Now does anyone know where the fog light switch should go?
Does anyone know if the 2012 Hatchback heated seat buttons are in the same location as the 2010/2011s?
Hi Danger, I thought the same thing. Here is my solution post: