I just mailed an application for a Bay Area FasTrak transponder. My wife already has an account so I can piggyback on her $30 deposit. How long does it take to get the kit? I want to apply for the HOV stickers next, which sounds like a multi-week wait in itself. Another more generic question: Can I use this transponder on toll roads in SoCal such as Hwy 73?
From what I've read on PC, the transponder kit takes about a week to arrive. I didn't want to wait so I took a trip up to SF and picked up my transponder the day after I picked up my 06 Prius. I also mailed in my HOV application the same day. Now comes the waiting game to see how long it will take for DMV to cash my check and for my stickers to arrive.
Tessar, I called Bay Area FastTrak to confirm SoCal usage. They said 'yes' it will work on 15, 91, 240, etc. My friends came up from SoCal and went through the Bay Bridge just fine. hope this helps
I did mine like a month ago and got it within 2 weeks so wasn't that bad, and heard Fastrak works in Socal also... Mine is 'black so I'm not going to stick those ugly Yellow stickers on them,
LionKing: Thanks for the first-hand confirmation! I could use the stickers a couple of days a week when I need to do the pick-up from the after-school program. The stickers have the least contrast with Driftwood. I have Classic Silver so they will stand out, but not as much as on black. The stickers are removable when done properly (with industrial heat gun and 30-60 degree acute angle) within five years. 3M has a product bulletin on material.
Another update: I picked up an 06 PK#6 last week and sent in my Fastrak/HOV application to DMV immediately. Next up, I had some difficulty getting my car insured through AAA because they did not have the VIN# in their system (after a few attempts and different customer service reps, one told me she was just going to add it manually). Then today, just to be on the safe side, I called DMV to check if they had my VIN# in their system, and they said, "no." I'm baffled now because when I did my papers at my dealership, both my salesman and the finance guy who does all the DMV paperwork told me that the VIN# details are sent to the DMV electronically and immediately once the sale is done. (I think this procedure differs between dealerships). Anyway, does anyone in CA who just purchased a 2006 and are applying for HOV stickers encountered something similar to my situation? Will I be getting my application back from DMV since the VIN# cannot be found? Thanks. Justinc
yeah, i think they lied to you... or maybe they send them electronically, but the dmv doesn't enter them into the immediately perhaps. it took the dmv forever to have my VIN # in the system. once it was in the system, i got my plates the following week tho.
I had the same experience with AAA. As for HOV stickers, I thought you need to receive a FasTrak kit (if you're in the Bay Area) before you can apply to DMV for stickers.
Yes, I actually went to the FasTrak office and picked up my kit. I had to include a receipt with my DMV application. So, I'm pretty sure I followed the correct procedures, but this whole VIN# situation seems out of my control.
Dragging this thread back up because not it is relevant to me. I'm reading this right? There is exactly ONE place to get the transponder (if I want to do it in person?) The place at Embarcadero? I hope they're open on Monday (what are the chances?) I'll actually be in the city then, and it would be handy.