It's been slow again the past week. I wrote Danny about it as well. The site gets slow and even stops responding for 1-3 minutes at different times throughout the entire day. It's been causing TONS of double posts to pop up as well. While I thought it was because of people clicking the button twice on a non responding page (Which I am sure it is) I got a double post this morning and did not click the button after the initial click. After the initial click the site has it's all too often hang up though, so it's not like it happened after a normal click and the post appeared right away.
I don't think it is being caused by user volume personally. It happens from 7am est throughout the day on and off for me. EVO 4G ?.
I does seem spotty. I haven't been able to deduce any trend. Sometimes it works very well, then a few hours later pages time out. Tom
Priuschat is growing?? I guess i only check gen II forums and I guess most problems people incur have been covered so extensively over the years that there is hardly any new action in the gen II forums. But I guess I failed to take into consideration that with the gen III prius and the Prius V, other priuschat forums are probably rockin and rollin. How about a graph to show membership #'s from year to year??? Although i agree that things have slowed down a little, the once or twice an hour 'server down' periods are the most annoying. I'll be really happy when the server is updated, and I have no problem with the advertising banners are the top of the website. I hate those people who expect excellent service from free forums but complain about advertising banners, no such things as a free lunch idiots!!!
I was replying to a post just a few minutes ago and I received a Connection Timeout. I thought I was going to have to re-type the reply but it was actually saved when I was able to get back in.
I get timeouts with some regularity. PC will work fine, even fast, for a few posts, and then it times out. So far I can't find any pattern to it. Other web sites are working fine, and PC has trouble even with adblock, so I can't blame the ad servers. It's weird. Tom
For example, the quoted post above took about three seconds to post, which is normal-fast. An hour ago I lost a post because of a timeout. Tom
For the past couple of days this site has been to slow to use most of the time. All other sites I visit, even ones using this same software, are working fine.
Wowzer, so, the info for a page request get's entered, the request goes to Priuschat, then the FBI computers load and check the page then it loads on my computer, must be some sort of open loop going on with the FBI side of the loop. That's my guess...
agreed, something is a miss with the website. All other sites are working great and fast...please help!
I read the news, made a cup of coffee, took the dog for a walk, answered a few emails...oh yeah, I forgot I was waiting for PriusChat to load. I'm sure it's being worked on.