My wife's work car, (rural mail carrier) so yes, 95% of the miles are single occupant. She likes the red, very visible in winter. Silver, bronze/tan, and white are accident targets here.
Many times, folks will stereotype according to their basis of knowledge. It would be like me saying, oh Pennsylvania ... solo drivers ... you must mean solo Amish buggy drivers because of the large contingent of Amish. No ... I don't really think that way. We have family in PA, and we bought our SUV hybrid back there ... so I know the state is not 100% Amish. How else could the Toyota & Lexus dealers make a living. I carpool to work in a 2008 package 5 every other week, and in short, lots of others in our area do the same. .
There are a bazillion Priuses on the road out here in SoCal although I do feel I see more women drivers than men. It seems to be a bit of a social statement in fact... in the "hipper" neighborhoods you see them on every block. I must admit I feel pretty cool driving it
I drive my Prius daily back and forth to work. Just me, no car pooling. I drive 35 minutes one way to get to work. No one from where I work lives out my way, so impractical to car pool. I imagine, most people fall into that demographic no matter what car they drive. Besides, I prefer to drive alone, listen to what I want on the radio, stop off at whatever store I want without having to inconvenience anyone else. My wife drives my Prius as well, on weekends, or after work, simply because it gets better mileage than her Mercedes.
Aaah, my first post on Prius Chat. I just bought my Prius on Saturday and I love it! (2006 with 77k on it) I am a girl and most of the other people I've seen driving in Prii around here are girls as well, but that could just be that I live in a college town and college boys around here drive their 'big trucks'
I car pooled for 10 years and am so glad I got out of it. Too many conflicts and compromises. I would rather pay the $200 a month bridge tolls.
Have you been spying on me? Where I live, in oil country, nearly EVERY vehicle has only one occupant, and the ratio of pickups and suburbans to everything else seems to be 2:1. However, Toyota and Honda do sell a lot of hybrids down here as well. $4 gas will do that to anyone.
Agreed...I work in Oakland, and see more Priuses than anything...though part of that is that I keep looking to see if I notice another V (Not yet in the last month+). I'd say a 50/50 split between men and women from what I can tell.
Since I drive average 400 miles a day, I see a lot of em on the road not a particular color dominates the road, I can say 60% of the drivers are females. And yes I have a beard but I'm too young to retire yet