Two weeks ago I got a price on a 2011 Prius 2 for 2% above invoice + $99 DOC fee. I kept the $500 cash back. I thought the price was high and decided to wait. Now the $500 cash back is gone. Do I have any chance of beating the previous deal? Does Toyota kick back to dealers when a new car is last year's model and that is why the cash back is gone? Thanks.
I think the $500 is back. Dealers are blowing out their now old 2011's so you have a better chance to buy one at a cheaper price than before
Regions make decisions based on their supply, their terms, demand, and their budget. If Prius sales are OK and brisk enough to not cause any concern, but another model is down in volume as opposed to where they want it to be, the money will go there to that model, and not be on Prius. They also halt allocations and production of certain things if things are going slowly BUT that's kind of like trying to put the brakes on a 10,000 bus on a sharp decline. It doesn't stop fast enough! That's why incerntives can fluctuate in certain areas, and appear and then disappear the following month. If 90% of your Prius 2011 buyers seem to be doing the low leasing terms or using the low APRs then the 500 rebate isn't really needed. It makes more sense to that region to re-allocate its use (the $500 per car) on some other model to help its slightly sluggish movements!