She listed Dark Gray in her inventory. I asked her if LB10 is the gray she has and she said yes. How do you read her comment?
I know the dark gray color code for the Prius V 5 wagon is LA18. I have one ordered with that color. Don't know if the hatchback has the same color code
32Kcolors said "Which gray do you have? Is it Light Gray (LB10) below?" (in reference to a picture). Dianne replied, "I wouldn't call the interiors LIGHT gray at all." (I took that to mean in appearance) She then confirms that what she has is a 10, but I'm not clear on whether that is the LB10 Light gray referred to earlier or the dark gray she has in stock. I'm over reading everything I guess. Sharol
I don't think dealers even knew what the official names for the colors were until Toyota announced them. All they had were the numbers to go with, hence the confusion by your dealer in thinking LB10 was Light Gray. Dianne initially listed the gray interior in her inventory as just "Gray" and she clarified that the Southern CA region had stopped allocating Misty Gray to the region about a year ago, so all most SoCal dealers have is Dark Gray and Bisque. There are only three choices listed on Toyota's website: Dark Gray, Misty Gray and Bisque. Your photo of LB10 matches up with Dark Gray so that's what you have.
That was my take on it too. It isn't a problem because i love the color of my car's interior. I just tend to be a bit linear and would like to have the information for my own satisfaction.
They've also changed the carpeting to black too (previously it was grey, regardless of interior colour). It looks a bit more upscale.