Richard: That's a serious error for Toyota to make: to confuse "dry" with "service" refill. As I do a lot of industrial process control work, I'm familiar with things like tank farm agitator gearboxes, paper machines, vibrating screens, centrifugal compressors, rotary screw compressors, etc. The manuals are usually careful in differentiating "dry" and "service" sump capacity. You're absolutely correct in that it's *impossible* to get out all the old oil from a sump. A small amount will cling to the interior surfaces, in oil galleries, the oil pump itself, etc. I was just surprised about the large difference in stated and actual sump capacity: 3.7 litres stated vs 3.35 litres actual. I don't think I'll bother with the 350ml in the future, just put in 3 litres and call it Good. jay
The NAPA filter looks almost exactly like the Toyota one, in fact. It's actually made by Wix, and had reasonably nice things said about it in the various oil-filter comparison surveys I found around the net. I've got the original Toyota one just about drained out by now, and will eventually cut it open for a looksee. . _H*
What if the manual is correct (3.9 US qts is really the capacity) but the dipstick marks are slightly misplaced (eg too low on the stick)? Just trying to think outside the box... Mark Portland, Maine
Mark: Sure. I'll buy that. Makes sense too, a whole bunch of dipsticks stamped out at a plant somewhere, and the press was set up wrong. It wouldn't take much of an error either. For the life of me, I have no way to determine what is the "real" oil fill level. At least the large industrial equipment has sight glass systems where you can visually check. jay
Now that's a thought. Can someone here ask Toyota directly about this? Is the dipstick wrong, are the manuals wrong, or what?
Ok, I'm a little slow. You all lost me, with the quarts, liters, all different levels on the dipstick.... What is the proper amount? So when I get my oil changed I say..."I want x.x Quarts in, not a drop more not a drop less" Thanks
Assuming that the dipstick is correct and the error is in the service manual, then one right answer is "three quarts" (U.S. quarts, not Imperial quarts). If you are providing the oil in quart bottles that quantity has the added virtue of convenience (no partial bottle left over to fool with). More than 3.5 quarts risks overfilling.
There is a TSB (Technical Service Bulletin) on this the fill is less than the Owners Manual. 3 to 3.5 is good.
I just pulled up the specs from the '06 Owners Manual(from TIS site) and it looks like they didn't change it. 3.7 L, 3.9 qts, and 3.3 Imp. qts with filter change. At work I fill with 3.5 qts which put the level just under the Full mark.
I changed my oil this weekend, it was about 20 degrees out and I got a little frozen trying to change the filter. The last time, 3.5 qts. took it to the top mark on the stick; this time, it took more like 3.7. rpm
I've had my 04 oil changed 12 times. It has always taken 3.6 to 3.9 quarts (done at Tracy Toyota, excellent). They add the last half a quart about 100mls at a time (usually 3 or more adds to top it off exactly).