I have a powered subwoofer(Ordnance B-8PT) I want to install into my GEN 3 Prius w/ JBL, non Nav. I contacted a local installer, and he tells me in order for this to work, I would need to tap into an "unamplified signal" otherwise I will probably damage the sub or other speakers. I called Crutchfield and the installer tells me to tap the back of the head unit, from the 6 pin plug, Left Channel: Black +(Pin #2) and Yellow -(Pin #6) ; Right: Red +(Pin #1) and White -(Pin #3) I'm thinking I can do this from the plug BEFORE the Amp, instead of behind the HU. Can anyone help me out? Does this sound correct? Please help!
Thanks for the response. What do you mean? Do i need to tap into the pre-amplified signal or the post amplified siganal
Yes, like Tim mentioned, tap into before the wires enter the amp. Those would be the pre-ampilifed signals. They should be the same color code as they are behind the HU in the dash. Now some powered subs take both kinds of signals... high (speakers wires), low powered (RCA). Just depends on what you have. [edit] looks like this sub has both inputs. You would want these wires to connect to the high power inputs(non-RCA) I believe.