I thought the same as you when I first got the camera in my 06' but you get used to it and it does come in handy. I too grew up here, learned to drive here etc. I was at EZ Pass and asked about the green pass. What a PITA. I would have needed to open a second account as it's a second ez pass she said, the times for the discounts are all over the place for different bridge crossings and roadways driven. I just gave up and said screw it. When I have more time I'll look into it better but they jsut didn't know enough about it to explain it to me properly...
I don't know what everyone sees in a backup camera. I think they're worthless. I'd much rather have proximity sensors with an alarm. I have a long driveway. Using the mirrors is so much easier than trying to stare at an in-dash camera. iPad ?
I actually wanted the back-up more than the NAV. I found the 2011 to have some blind spots and I was concerned that with various people driving --- it would be worth the extra cost. I think after you drive the car a while the camera becomes less important - especially since it is very difficult to judge distance in parking situations. If the camera saves us once - it will be worth the cost
So, here's the deal. I showed up at the NJ EZ-Pass service center in Newark. Dragged my EZ-Pass, the registration, and, I think, the sales papers for the car. And the driver's license. Filled out a form on the spot, traded in one transponder for the other, and left. Zero cost. They knew all about it, or at least the people I met behind the counter did. Maybe a 10 minute wait in line, 10 minutes fooling with the paperwork, and was out of there. The savings isn't great, you get a little off on the GSP when it's not rush hour, but I remember that the savings are better on the bridges and tunnels. So, 30 minutes of your life down the tubes for a zero cost changeover; what the hey, it's worth it. As far as backup cameras: No, I don't have one. There's blind spots in the right and left rear that bug me when backing up, my local neighborhood has got lots of toddlers, so I've been thinking hard about getting one. I've been parallel and "other" parking just fine without it. I still think it's worth a couple hundred, but not a couple thousand. KBeck.
I'm going to have to go back then one day when I'm off during the week and try and ask for someone who is familiar with it. If it's just a matter of giving back the old one and getting a new one after showing proper paperwork of course I'm all for it. I guess I got someone who just didn't care to know their job... Thanks for sharing.
Thanks much, KBeck, for relating your experience. I will have to try it at a New York EZ Pass office and report back.
Just remembered. They want the EZ-Pass account number, so it's a good idea to drag a statement in with you. That was, I might add, the NJ EZ-Pass people. I think every state does it differently, so I don't know what NY does. So, yeah, the NJ people didn't have a problem and it fit into whatever procedures they do over there. YMMV with the State of New York! Umm: Below find a paste from <http://www.state.nj.us/turnpike/toll-rates.html> : Green Pass Discount Program offers 10 percent discount on off-peak rate for drivers in vehicles rated at 45 miles per gallon or better and meeting the California Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (SULEV) standard Applies to Turnpike and Parkway Is available only through the NJ E-ZPass Program Customers must enroll in the plan and provide proof of eligibility Private accounts only (no business or commercial) Discount is tag-specific; it applies only to specified tag within an account. (A special green tag is issued to customers who enroll in this program) All off-peak trips are eligible for the discount Aggregate value of discount is capped at $250,000 per year for all eligible participants Discount will expire November 30th, 2013 To apply, call New Jersey E-ZPass at 1-888-AUTOTOLL (1-888-288-6865) KBeck
I still haven't gotten to an E-Z Pass office, but I was wondering if my fellow New York Prius owners--especially those on Long Island--knew about this program for which their vehicle is eligible: https://www.dot.ny.gov/programs/clean-pass I saw the stickers on a parked Prius in Manhattan and made a mental note to look it up when I got home. It's surprising to me that the 2012 Prius V and 2012 Honda Insight do not qualify for the program. But what's amazing to me is that the Chevy Volt doesn't qualify. Whoa.