Has anyone considered the Haze 12v HzY-EV12-55 gel battery or Hzb-EV12-55 sealed lead acid battery for the Prius. They are available in the US and prices are very good. These batteries are the same size as the Prius OEM with flush bolt terminals, slim post brass terminals can be purchased but I am sure the Prius clamps could be bolted strait on, and they are 55AMP/hr
Amazing, I've been on priuschat half a decade and never heard of either one, but by the way everybody raves about the Optima I think I'd have to either stick with the Optima if the car gives me advance warning or just stick with a Toyota battery if I'm caught by surprise. Even if the batteries you were speaking of didn't fit perfectly and had to be modified to fit in the Prius, Jeffrey Clarkson would say, "How Hard Can It Be?"
The batteries are the same size as the OEM but are deep cycle and have a 40% higher AMP/HR capacity that means a lot greater safety margin to be left parked for long periods of time.
There is a US web site for the Haze batteries I should check on that. This size and type of battery is in common use in alarm systems, emergency lighting, golf buggies, invalid chairs, and UPS systems, so searching for these rather than car batteries on the net brings up many more results for higher AMP/HR AGM batteries and often at better prices. Terminals are often "but not always" 6mm bolts but this is an easy conversion bolting the OEM Prius clamps down with penny washers, or brass screw in thin Prius style posts are available.
Before we get to cost, tell me about safety. Are they AGM batteries with external venting? Absorption Glass Mat batteries have little free Sulfuric Acid to escape into the passenger compartment in an accident. Exernally vented batteries do not have to contain free Hydrogen or Acidic Mist, so are less likely to explode. Since Toyota put the 12 volt battery in the passenger compartment, I am unwilling to part with those safety features. Once you have those specified, I am interested in low price.
The OEM battery contains the same valve mechanism as most other AGM batteries so contains a similar amount of free hydrogen and acid mist. Please note also that the first battery I list has know free liquid acid as the OEM does. In the battery compartment of the Prius there is also a large external vent that should be more than sufficient to vent the compartment in what would be an extreme and unlikely event, if I was that worried I would not even drive a car. In all of the threads ever posted on PC I cannot find one thread showing a Prius over charging its battery, I am not saying it is not possible but I have the same chance as winning the lottery.
If a battery is not spec'd for automotive, then it will likely die a rapid death. A UPS or alarm system is a very clean, stable, secure environment. A battery can sit undisturbed and quietly do its job. Automotive is an extremely punishing environment, with a combination of harsh vibration and temperature extremes. A battery has to be able to withstand 80 mph of bad expressway through a temperature range of -40C to +60C. Everything about a battery, whether flooded or AGM, must be more robust, when used in automotive. This is a key but often overlooked selling point for the Optima and other high end AGM (Odyssey, Trojan) batteries. I have a friend that tried putting UPS AGM batteries in his EV, and the pack lasted all of 8 months, compared to years from the flooded pack that preceded it.
While I can agree with some of your points above comparing the Prius use of its 12v against a battery used in continuous deep discharge at high currents is hardly a fair comparison, further the batteries I listed are used for invalid mobility, and used as such receive much greater shock and vibration loads than they ever would in the rear of the Prius. They are also listed by the manufacturer as suitable for use in temperature extremes but lets be reasonable here how many people on this forum run there vehicles one day at -40C and the next at 60C. If you run a car at -40 you would likely use studded tyres but you would not use them at 60c. Basically I am saying that for people in an average climate there are perfectly valid other choices. There are also people who have to run there vehicles on a realistic budget and perhaps cannot afford the best of the best. I as a pensioner have to live on a fixed income this is one of the reasons I bought the Prius when I retired, and there must be many more people hear that run and maintain cars at minimal cost. One of the reasons I follow PC and try to contribute, one size does not fit all.
I used this type of battery in my aerobatic airplane as they are gel-cell IE no acid to run out when inverted. As far as I can remember they had no vent tubes and they were used for emergency lighting in hospitals etc.! This was 15 years ago that I purchased this 12V and at that time they set me back around $100 . The engine it started was a 4- stroke 80 hp. Rotax ICE! I used it for 4 years. Hal
Yes quite likely Hal, the manufacturer says it can be used in any position including upside down and charged at 1/3 C with know venting "just under 20AMPS".
The OEM battery has an external vent tube so such fumes go outside the car. I am betting there is a reason for that, I am not willing to expose my loved ones to that risk. What you will find are threads complaining about how slowly Toyota chose to charge the Prius battery to avoid a real risk, again all we can do is not defeat the safety precautions Toyota felt compelled to add so they could mount the battery in a climate controlled space. Even the Optima guy warned against using the sealed Optimas in an enclosed space. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...group-34-78-mambo-in-gen-iii.html#post1437664
I fully understand your position and your choice on this matter and feel we must agree to differ. Again these batteries are sold as being suitable for use in sealed containers and do not gas below charge rates of 1/3c about 18amps. Toyota chose the cheapest battery it could to keep costs down otherwise it would have used the Optima or other expensive battery then think how much it would be in their part departments. In the UK we can bye batteries by other manufacturers Lucas Bosh Varta to name but three that are made for the Prius with vent tube and correct size poles 45AMP/HR capacity for £45 ($75) with 4year guaranty, but I would wish to fit something with even higher capacity.
Update Haze batteries are now fitted with a vent tube making them a good choice for the Prius. I have now affiliation whatsoever with Haze.