Have a large deep Husky socket, an old one with a crack. Tried taking it back to Home Depot, that sells Husky. Yopu have to call a toll free number. Turns out, that size is no longer sold at Home Depot, so no warranty. Snap on has re-built several ratchets for me over the years. Good Warranty. I have even bought damaged tools at swap meets and exchanged for new!
Anyone remember those old folding rulers, with the large diamEter brass hinges. I might have one kicking around, was my dad's, maybe from his dad. We've got a potato pealer that says 1940 something, maybe '43, it's a little obscured: all metal, nothing to break. It's going to last forever, keeps getting sharper. That would never cut it nowadays. D.O. for the HP calculators: the older ones were a little sluggish, but they were pretty dependable. The new ones are POS, either the buttons failed (rumoured by design), or as in the case of mine: it just has a nervous breakdown. Mine's flashing "CLEARING MEMORY" or words to that effect. I can take the batteries out for months, pop them back in, and it's still "CLEARING MEMORY".
My father retired today (30+ years) from his job as a Mechanician at the UW Mechanical Engineering school. He has a 30s era mill in his basement metal working shop. It's dead level, within tens of thousandths. We zeroed my smartphone's 'level' application on it. My dad declared this application a damn fine level for anything you might want to be approximately more level than what you could determine by eye, plus or minus.
I have exchanged a few Craftsman tools, unfortunately the replacement is often a little cheesier than the original. Their warranty is still easy to use though. Last Craftsman ratchet wrench I exchanged was replaced by a rebuilt wrench (works like new), my old slipping one will probably get rebuilt too.
I thought that the nice PINK set I saw on one of those female HGTV shows! Cute little pink hammer, screwdriver, pink plastidipped pliers. All in a stunning pink tool belt!
Tools are like shoes. Buy good ones and the ones you'll really use/wear and you'll be happy. Craftsman on sale will work for most and somewhat reasonable. Harbor Freight is fun to look around in but they typically don't last long.
I still have one of the folding wooden rulers. Used it a lot while doing electrical construction work. Electricity and metal rulers do not like each other