Well .... some things never change ....... took the Prius to the city the other day .... Valet delivers the car from the parking garage after lunch ........... Right rear of the bumper is all scratched up and the bumper is a little off. I never make more than a month before someone does something to every car I own. The bumper snapped back in/on -- but the paint is all scratched and cracked. So .......... NYC 1 ....... Prius 0
Actually -- The garage is taking responsibility Initially .....they tried to get out of it .... but ....I had dropped the car off earlier in the week - in the rain - and the bumper is now clean in that area ....... So that ............. and the temporary tag on the car ... they excepted responsibly. It is just a pain.
We are in a blizzard right now and there was a vehicle transport truck taking off an SUV. It rolls down the ramps, into the snow, can't stop and goes crunch right into the curb and shrubberies. I saw this happen as I was waiting at the light and as I drove past the idiot the bumper had disconnected from the sides and was pushed in, and the wheels were at full lock. So be glad you at least got 1 month out of it!
Week after I got the car, got a stone that took a ding out of the windshield. worst part--- never even saw it. Saw the hit point when I ran the wipers and saw the streak....
I have never park any of my cars in a valet parking. If this is the only option (like a hotel) I will find a parking garage nearby and park there and walk...
Have used dozens of valets, never had a problem. but I have had cars broken into and outright stolen in public parking lots. I trust valets more than I do an unmonitored parking lot.
I'm glad you're getting this taken care of. I got rear-ended within a month of owning my car. You could image how mad I was. I hope you get it all worked out! I don't think I'd ever trust a valet.
Well, I always try to find a monitored self-parking lots. Granted, in my town we don't have cars broken into that often
I made it about 6,000 miles on mine. I was installing speakers and pulled the car in as close to the left side of the garage as I could so I would have good access to work on the right doors. I got a little closer to the stucco than as close as I could and put some pretty good scrapes on the left front fender.
Also hit a deer within three months with my 2009 Prius. Hopefully will have better luck with the 2011.
Oh yeah, I got you all beat(time-wise)... the day after I got the car home, I was spraying undercoat and while I was moving the small floor jack with the removable handle to the right-rear jack point, the handle flew out and up swiping the door taking a quarter size area of clear coat off. Still that way today. Hope that helps a little.
Look at the bright side, when that happened you didn't have to worry about when it was going to get the first ding. I had to bear that worry for 6k miles The good thing in both our cases is that we did it to our own cars so there was no need to blame anyone else.
ahh life in the big city! I do bad by myself, Don't need any help! Bummer , make em pay! I backed into a telephone pole with mine, and I have a back up camera LOL!Still no door dings,Two years!
Garages and valets are a fact of life for me -- so I can't avoid it. This is a situation where the valet delivers it to the garage -- so I have even less control. I have had very few problems over the years .......... I just had a feeling (bad) when it drove off ... Also had this idea that they would leave the car "on" and it would be running for a few days high up in the lot.
I had the same problem with a valet. He smashed my front end within the first three weeks of ownership. It was 2400 worth of damage which they paid for but it still bugs me because I know the blizzard pearl paint will not last as long as the factory. iPad ?
Monday I was locking my car door when I had my umbrella (metal tip on the end) in one arm and I turned around as I locked the car. I knew the umbrella bumped the car but never thought anything of it. Came out at lunch and was like "Who keyed my car?!?" &#(! it was me! HUGE long scratch down my driver's side rear door. Luckily hubby's friend got it out. Looks brand new. PHEW!
Back in August 2011, we got baseball sized hail here in Nassau NY. My 3 day old prius was a victim. Got a new roof, new hood, new windsheild, and several dents fixed. My insuarance paid $6800 for the repair and about $750 for the rental. The car looks good as new tho, the body shop did a good job.