I'm 3 days in my v-three and loving it so far, traded my 07 FJ Cruiser for this beauty. It's my first hybrid and a whole new driving world for me. My first question, I'm sure they'll be many more is, if and when is the braking feature used and does it at any point release when under throttle, didn't seem to when I tried it. I'm in the break-in process and didn't want to experiment with it. Any tips and tricks all you Prius faithful are willing to toss my way are much appreciated... 1st mod done...all windows tinted. Need seat cover reccomendations After market wheels Performance exhaust...just kidding.
The "braking feature"? Are you refering to the regenerative braking or are you refering about "B" mode? If the latter, you don't need to use it unless you are descending a long, steep hill and want to prevent your brakes from overheating(when you would shift your auto from "D" to "2" in the old days, "D" to "4" in the current days).
Welcome! The links in my signature will help you learn techniques (some Prius specific) for better fuel economy. Not sure I got your question clearly. If by "braking feature" you mean regenerative braking, that is used slightly when you take your foot off the gas, simulating the drag in an automatic transmission. It is used more when you lightly apply the brakes. In heavy braking, the computer switches to old fashioned friction brakes like any car uses. To glide without drag, leave your foot slightly on the gas pedal while watching the HSI display. A blank HSI power bar = glide = momentum conserved. If you are talking about the media blowup over the brakes not working, that can be felt when braking over a rough or slick patch where the system is transitioning from regen to friction braking upon detection of slippage. Not sure how much this sensation is felt in the v.
As Codyroo indicated, no B mode should be used except when descending very steep, or long and pretty steep slopes where your battery pack will be full before reaching bottom.
i haven't gotten my Prius V yet... but I do have a 2011 Prius and i would venture to say they are very very similar... I would check out the stickies here and also over in the prius 2010+ or Gen III forums, you should get all you need to know and more there - also search for the break shift feature... there are a few threads that go in depth, the short answer is you don't leave it on and drive around... should you need to use it, it would only be when going down long steep hill and your battery is topped off however it does this automatically . :welcome: from another thread.... @ jimgraffam Yep. Not worth it. Use your brakes and avoid the hassle. The Prius will use engine braking if you top off your battery so you really should never use it. Or in other words, once is too much
My bad Cody, should have been more spacific, I was asking about the B mode on the shifter, I get the KERS system and how that works, just wasn't sure if the B mode had to be deactivated manually or if when you begin uphill it released...thanks for the feedback guys.