Since your wife still has a '11, I was wondering if you could tell me if the floor mats in the '11 are the same as those in the '12? I'm thinking there is nothing new in a '12 that would warrant different floor mats, but I just wanted to be sure.
I agree 100%. People love to waste money. The worse thing is the way they try to justify it. I here all kinds of stories on why they need a new car ever 2-3 years. Like job requires it. 99% of the time that is not true.
"Another new car" This is what my neighbor said when I traded my '09 for a '10!! Whatever your doing keep doing it! '12 looks a little darker than the '10.what color is your '11 and is it a four also? Enjoy!
Thanks. The color of the '12 is quite a bit darker than the '10. They are both fours. Aside from a few subtle design changes, the only differences I have noticed so far are the HUD and the HD navigation screen. The '11 is red.
I never really noticed, but it does look that way. In thinking about it a little bit, the mirror on the passenger side needs to be angled back more to provide a similar viewing angle, so it might be that they can get away with a shorter profile on that side.
Just curious because many euro cars come with "stubby" passenger mirrors for the tight cities. Some of the Audi A4's came here with them.