I traded the '10 on the '12. My wife has an '11, so I just leapfrogged from '10 to '12. It's our fourth Prius ('08, '10, '11, '12), so I guess you could say we like them. I went to the dealership just to get oil and a filter, and I saw my salesman, so I asked him if the '12s were in. He said that they weren't, but they had many '11s. We went to look at them, and I saw a blue one, my favorite color, kind of hidden behind a huge pickup truck. I pointed to it and he said it was an '11. When we walked over to it he saw the wheels and remarked that they looked different (and they do). It was a '12. Apparently the '12 came in and the dealer wanted to move some '11s before he advertised the '12. I got a great deal on it, probably because it was my fourth trip.
Hopefully, you'll never hear that disturbing knocking/rattling occurrence on startup with your upgrade.
I just compared the grilles on the '11 and '12 in daylight. They are different, but I don't know if the difference is functional or cosmetic.
I also noticed that the area where the fog lights used to go are different. It looks like it narrows down at the bottom. What is this space used for now?
I can't fathom spending that much money on cars. My '06 is still running fine, and it's been paid off since '08. That said, congrats on the new (again) vehicle!
I'm a tax accountant, and I have a few clients who trade cars at least monthly. Get great deals, but it is way more expensive than I would go for. Still, when a person has the dough and trying new cars provides enjoyment, why not. It puts very good used cars into the stream for others. We are still on our first Prius (10), but hope to trade for a PHV due to our short commute. Our other cars a an 08 and an 00.
Simply persuade one of your clients to buy a PHV for a month and you'll be all set to get a great deal!
Don't we all, LOL. That's why they have the parts department way at the back, and you have to thread your way through all the shiny new cars
congrats! I'm thinking about trading in my 11 for a 12. Should have waited since I bought mine not even 2 months ago