I got most of my information from James Burke in this thread from about 3 years ago. Ships and their maritime tracking links listed alphabetically by ship name: APOLLON LEADER - Ports - PORT SAID; SANTOS, BRAZIL APOLLON LEADER - Vessel's Details and Current Position - 9402706 - 370508000 AURIGA LEADER - Ports - JACKSONVILLE AURIGA LEADER - Vessel's Details and Current Position - 9402718 - 564268000 BELLONA - Ports - BELLONA - Vessel's Details and Current Position - 8402371 - 353271000 CENTURY HIGHWAY NO.2 - Ports - PANAMA ANCH PACIFIC CENTURY HIGHWAY NO.2 - Vessel's Details and Current Position - 8319718 - 352407000 CENTURY LEADER 3 - Ports - ASTORIA, OR CENTURY LEADER 3 - Vessel's Details and Current Position - 8502468 - 431265000 CETUS LEADER - Ports - NEW YORK (Bayonne, NJ) CETUS LEADER - Vessel's Details and Current Position - 9291133 - 371563000 CONTINENTAL HIGHWAY - Ports - ASTORIA, OR; LOS ANGELES; BENICIA CONTINENTAL HIGHWAY - Vessel's Details and Current Position - 9238519 - 351223000 EMINENT ACE - Ports - LOS ANGELES EMINENT ACE - Vessel's Details and Current Position - 9293571 - 371012000 INDIANA HIGHWAY - Ports - LOS ANGELES just behind EMINENT ACE INDIANA HIGHWAY - Vessel's Details and Current Position - 9272888 - 432433000 KENTUCKY HIGHWAY - Ports - EMDEN, DE KENTUCKY HIGHWAY - Vessel's Details and Current Position - 8616958 - 356793000 NEW CENTURY 1 - Ports - LOS ANGELES NEW CENTURY 1 - Vessel's Details and Current Position - 9229398 - 355234000 NEW CENTURY 2 - Ports - LOS ANGELES NEW CENTURY 2 - Vessel's Details and Current Position - 9229403 - 352496000 NIPPON HIGHWAY - Ports - EMDEN, DE NIPPON HIGHWAY - Vessel's Details and Current Position - 9205964 - 357892000 OVERSEAS JOYCE - Ports - PANAMA ANCH PACIFIC OVERSEAS JOYCE - Vessel's Details and Current Position - 8606056 - 538003029 PYXIS - Ports - ASTORIA, OR; RICHMOND, BC; TOYOHASHI PYXIS - Vessel's Details and Current Position - 8514083 - 355999000 PYXIS LEADER - Ports - PANAMA ANCH PACIFIC PYXIS LEADER - Vessel's Details and Current Position - 9284738 - 354591000 SUNBELT SPIRIT - Ports - SHANGHAI SUNBELT SPIRIT - Vessel's Details and Current Position - 9233246 - 538001657 TEXAS HIGHWAY - Ports - LOS ANGELES, SHANGHAI TEXAS HIGHWAY - Vessel's Details and Current Position - 9272890 - 432440000 ------------------------------------------------------------------
Out of all the ships that come to LA, it looks like only New Century 1 is actually in Japan now. After combing through the thread referenced above, it appears that it takes 12-13 days for a ship to reach Los Angeles/Long Beach from Japan (and then another 2-3 weeks in port, partially depending on port installed options). I also read a few posts that mentioned 2000 (per port?), 3000, up to 4000-5000 cars per ship (although the mix of cars is unknown).
The Kentucky Highway is what brought my 2010 over. It ended up in Newark NJ after a stop in Florida after going through the Panama Canal.
I hope there are no Italian Captains on my ship... I want someone who believes in Women, Children and Cars first! PiPs' also swim... (along with all of the other miraculous attributes...)
Whatever happened to the ship in the Gulf of Alaska that reportedly had 5000 Pruises and was listing badly a few years ago? Davy Jones' locker???
Yeah talk about karma, my nephew just got his chief's license and he's been on oil tankers for a living. And here I am buying a PiP.
Those cars made it to America; they're the ones that make that clanking noise when the ICE starts up on a chilly morning.
Uploaded by sherlock62 on Apr 25, 2010 The Cougar Ace nearly sank in the gulf of Alaska when a ships mate accidently flooded the wrong balast tanks. The vessel was towed "cold iron" via tug to Portland, Oregon where the entire cargo of over 5,000 mazda vehicles were discharged. After almost a year and a half Mazda decided due to liability risks to destroy all but approximately 800 vehicles.
New Century 2 left Japan sometime on 2/9/12. It looks like it may be bound for Long Beach. Texas Highway has been at port in Japan for 2 days. If its anything like New Century 2 (which was in port for 2 days), it should be leaving Japan today sometime and may be bound for Long Beach as well.
The Pyxis Leader which is coming to the NE U.S. (Newark, NJ) apparently left Feb. 7th, 2012. I am not aware though if it will makes stops before Newark. The Kentucky Highway which brought my 2010 over stopped in Florida but honestly it was not there long at all, maybe a day but I think even less!
OMG you guys are killin' me. I'm amused. Not one of my invoices lists a boat name yet but when one does... I'll share the info. I'm not doubting someone's gonna rent a helicopter..........
Regarding the Mazdas that were destroyed, I posted http://priuschat.com/forums/other-cars/46635-crushing-issue-how-destroy-brand-new-cars.html long ago. Unfortunately, the WSJ video link is dead now.