I have read that the Prius C will arrive to dealerships in March, but then I was also told it wouldn't be until April or May at the earliest Does anyone know of an exact date please?
Every Toyota dealer I've talked to says production starts in March, limited availability in late May/early June . . .
Production STARTS in March??? Availability not till June? hwell: Sighhh, oh well. My lease isn't up on my car till July anyway, but I really cannot wait to finally see this car. Must be patient
Considering all of the news recently about the surge in pre-orders for this baby in Japan, I wonder if the US will even see any until solid summer. Any thoughts?
We'll get them March. It'll be like the liftback with Japanese having long waits so the USA can get a reasonable allocation.
Thank you both! I did not know they allocated some for the US when they release(d) the liftbacks. Great to know! :cheer2:
In Japan, even before the quake hit they still had months of backlog on the Prius liftback. I guess they'll wait for the cars there, while a backlog here means lost sales.