I had a pruity once... It wasn't priutty either... All that messy priajuice running down... OH OH wait... You weren't talking about a prititty test were ya Bra... Cause that could mean...
Prehaps, prehaps not. Dpeends on how you dfeine "pruity." Would prue blulsh!t be good or bad? :noidea:
Ya GOTS ta know Bra... It's ALL GOOD... Whether you're full of pruity or not... it's all good... Especially in a place where posts don't count.
I'm glad PriusChat would have me - a guy that's never bought a Toyota in his life. But the next car this 4-time Honda guy is most likely to buy will most likely be a small Toyota hybrid. I've driven at least 1500 miles in a Prius and while I know more than 90% of the Prius drivers, definitely don't know as much as the Prius gurus here.
Would a humbug be what causes a defective humbucker? I had to look humbucker up, my 1st guess was something to do with old telecommunications. Thanks for the education bra.:cheer2:
Are you sure I'm a heretic or a future convert? Asked that question politely - not being augmentative. Think it's also worth mentioning that many hybrid systems are either licensed from Toyota (Nissan) or very similar (Ford)
You are quite welcome my knowledgeable friend... as for humbugs being the defect... you may have something there...
I was joking! Although I admit it was an edgy joke, given the heritage of your favored religion. :welcome: