You connect to battery and ground in the rear, attach two pairs of wires to existing speaker wires on either side ( I attached to the rear speaker wires running up the B post), attach one wire to an electical on/off point ( I used cigaretter lighter) and run the controller to an easy to reach spot ( in my G2 I put it in the hidden drawer in the front of the center console). Easy. All these wires are included.
just my .02 but doesn't it require a low pass filter (whatever it is) and rca input since the stock prius amps will clip off if you pass the wires strait into speaker level input? (that's what i had to do anyway)
hadn't thought about that. Always thought it was plug and play, but my wife never used it so I really wasn't thinking. Anyone else know about this?
the crossover unit isn't expensive. (5-20 bucks) i have two in my car. one new in package and one plugged in that's rather used (the crossover dials are so worn down i have to use creativity to get them to turn)... at this point i no longer adjust it. my system is rather rigged at the moment. i'm using a torn apart house amp powered by my inverter. this requires me to turn it on and off by hand. (there is a unit i can buy that would monitor the voltage on the 12v line and kill feed when it drops below a given number eg 12.8 v since resting is lower and the car on is higher. it was mentioned in another audio thread) back to topic...