Wow, that's FRACKING AWESOME!!! I'd hate to be the neighbor across the street, tho. Or next door. Or down the block. Or three streets over.....
He claims that the audio is not broadcast outloud...he has an FM transmitter set up and people tune in their car radio for the audio....the owner admits that sometimes people's car radios can be heard tho'.
It's not so much the music that would be considered a bother, but the flashing of the lights at all the intervals. That could get quite annoying after an hour or so, if one were to be living across the street or next door... But it's a great idea! As long as it's far from my house!
Has anyone watched this (or tried to watch it) with a dial-up connection? I want to e-mail the link to a few people, but some of them are still on 56K. I'm wondering how easily it loads. Thanks!