Hi All, I'm a long time reader and first time poster. I recently became aware of an opportunity to get my hands on a 2004 Prius. The car is silver outside with charcoal interior and has all of the goodies (including Nav). I'm ok on the price and all of that. What I'm wondering is if there is anything I need to closely check out before I commit to the purchase. The car has 37k miles on it, so it's relatively young for a Toyota (my parents 91 Cresida still runs with 237k miles). I currently drive an Audi A4 Avant 1.8t. I've driven the Prius before and I was very happy. Are there any issues I need to be aware of? Thank you for your help!
Drive it on a busy freeway to see how it handles in cross winds-traffic. Make sure you feel OK with it (almost everyone does, but it's no Audi). Does it have an extended, transferrable, warranty(factory one is 36k, except the hybrid drive 100k warranty)? My tires were shot at 40k. Get a dealer to pull up the service history based on the VIN. I have 62k on my 04 with only a few minor problems (alignment, rattles, rear tailights).
Is this from a private party or a used car lot or a Toyota Dealer? Do you know anything about the history of this particular car? Also what part of the country do you live in, that might make some difference. A lot of us put our location in our profile because so many car questions are location specific. Anyway if you don't know the history I'd go to one of the online places where you can put in the VIN number and get a vehicle history report, carfax I think is one of them. Take it to a Prius technician at a Toyota dealer and have it checked out, it's may be well worth what it will cost you. Make sure you get the Prius technician to check it, not just any mechanic. If it's located at a Toyota dealer now take it to a different one to get it checked. If whoever has it now won't let you take it to be checked out forget it. A lot of flooded cars from the gulf coast are on the market, make sure it's not one of those. Good luck.
Thanks all. The car is from the most reliable source possible and I have the exact history of everything about the vehicle as well as a guaranteed checkout. We also might be moving to the Seattle area soon. My wife is from Washington and I have a lot of family there (I'm from the Midwest). Is there a need for a different tire type in that area, given the ammount of precip on the roads?
One more thought...do I qualify for the Tax Credit for buying a Hybrid car even though it is a used vehicle?
Any good quality all season radial that comes in the correct size should work well for you. Try the search function at this site and see what you can learn, there have really been a lot of posts about tires. Some types that might be worth looking at are: Michelin HydroEdge, Bridgestone Potenza RE950, Toyo Proxis TPT and a lot of others. Tire Rack a sponsor here is one good place to look.
As well as Goodyear Assurance ComforTred and Assurance TripleTred. You can try the Michelin Harmony and the Energy MXV4 Plus or MXV4 S8.
A couple of things... 1. If you are familiar with the seller, AND if they were the original owner, AND if you want an extended warranty, perhaps you could talk them into buying it (see link to the left for reduced prices) and then you pay just the transfer fee? 2. Here's a good link for the tax information. http://www.irs.gov/newsroom/article/0,,id=104549,00.html Yes, it applies only to NEW car purchases. Here's another link that's not quite so "governmental" http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/tax_hybrid.shtml Good luck with the acquisition!
Only is available when purchased new. Trust me on this one. I have an 04 with the exact mileage and #9 options. Love it. Had two Audis which I liked, but needed lots of maintenance. Brakes rotors @ 10k miles??? My car has been rock solid. I do not like the Audi A4 console as it is too constricting. I sometimes drive my friend's and it drives me nuts. Put the BT stiffening brace on and you'll notice a marked improvement in handling/solidity/ride.
A Silver 04 BC package 9 let me think? You know the owner and it has been well driven and maintained? Go for it! Sasha the Newf concurs she likes Belle. While in the Seattle you might get in contact with a few of us!
An interesting question. I see no reason why not "if" no one else has ever claimed a benifit/deduction on it before.... but it would be nasty trying to keep up with all that... and to keep someone from selling it back and forth to all thier friends and making out like a bandit with uncle sam... (ie: you sell it to me for 20K... I get a 3100 tax credit, then I sell it to person B.. he gets the same, they sell it back to your sister, she gets the same) I don't think US will give you the chance to worry about it. Uncle Sam expects you to use it if your going to buy it.... so when you consider the 04 price against a new 06 "or even an 05 taken from a dealer after jan1, 06", Make sure you add 3100 $ to the price of the used... because thats what your really doing when comparing with a new one.... or if it makes more sense to you.. take 3100.00 off the new, and then compare. If there is not an extended warranty, its now past the 36K limit to get one.. you "may" be able to still get one with a penalty to pay.. you would have to check. Make sure you dig around the threads to see the new benifits and upgrades the 06 has now too as you make your decision. The prius 06 link at the top of the page will help... http://priuschat.com/2006_toyota_prius.html The resale value is so high on the used prius's, that its hard to justify getting a used one with the new tax credit taking hold on the new ones... you have to be getting a really really sweet deal to come out on a used one... He will need to be selling it to you at a loss! You will also need to consider what will be "your" resale in 5 - 10 years from now based on a 2 year difference in the car?
Good information all. Thank you for the advice. If anyone else has any more good info, please pass it along. I appreciate everyone's help!