Hey the road runs that way, don't let the border hit you in tha nice person as you cross.....better yet move to France with the most arrogant self centeres cowards in the world
Are you talking about Canada or Utopia? Too bad it has that 500lb gorilla to the south or it would be the perfect place to be. You must be heart-broken to have to spend your days in a plac esuch as this.
efusco:what are you talking about? This is my entire last post, trying to temper what I thought was an attack on jayman. This is incendiary? Unproductive?
Oh, I forgot, GM is closing a plant in Canada, too. Must be the Canadians' fault. Eh? Over and out of this one.
You know, I like Canada just as much as the next guy. It's only when people start coming in and pro-actively, in a negative manner with a spiteful tone, expressing their opinions against various aspects of the U.S.. Then the resultant reaction is a surprise? Much would be the same reaction if I went to some Canadian message board and started telling them what I think is wrong with their country. Nothing wrong with that, but please, take into consideration the reader next time. Of course, I've never been one to let a couple rotten apples spoil the bunch so (insert entity of choice here) bless Canada and all her people!
I will admit I reacted strongly to having my country taken over. That should surprise and offend no one. I've seen postings and responses on PriusChat from many countries. The start of this thread was unmistakably anti-Canadian, so it's no surprise there was some backlash. If PriusChat was intended to be exclusively American, and not the international community I mistook it for, then someone should have said so at the beginning.
Wait a minute, who's country has been taken over and when? Did I miss something? I for one have gotten pretty used to the US being the international whipping boy, but that doesn't mean I enjoy it. Every time I read Jack06's last post I can't help but wonder about his condesension towards the US and where that came from.
Sorry, Malorn, what I said about my country being taken over didn't come out right. I should have said I was responding to the THREAT of my country being taken over. Canada being 'the 51st state', 'should have invaded when we had the chance', that sort of thing.
Oh crap! That was MY FAULT! The whole "should have invaded" was more joking than anything due to the ridiculousness of it... Totally my fault, I can definitely see how that came across as serious... sorry... :mellow:
Apology accepted, Squid. I suppose I should have known you were trying to be funny, but in light of all the other less-than-kind words in this crazy thread, I didn't see it that way. In retrospect, I see that maybe Schmika was offering terms of endearment in his "51st state" comment, but again, it didn't come across that way. Sorry, Schmika.
And thanks, Jack06, for your kind words about Canada. If your countrymen roast you too badly for your apparently treasonous remarks, well, you still have friends.
HAHAHAHA :lol: I have more than once answered this question "What am I being arrested for officer?" with "I'll figure it out when I get you to jail".....And I always DID!!! Hey, people think we make up stuff, we might as well and keep them from being liars.... (p.s. I am being somewhat facetious here, these people are usually drunk and WHY they are being arrested is quite obvious to the sober ones around)
My apologies as well...it was an endearment thing. I have great respect for Canada and fully realize they have the same problems we ALL have (it is populated by imperfect people)