I am looking for a 2010+ Prius with lowish miles, under 25k. Blue ribbon metallic, preferably close to NYC. 20k+/-. I don't know much about the cars or options and find it all confusing so want the best deal for available. Would like something my iPhone/iPad can plug into(probably not a big deal, most cars today probably do this) Heated seats would be nice, don't even know if they are offered. I have no clue what else I might want in one. I am an uneducated consumer so feel free to clue me in. I don't mind buying on eBay, cars.com or privately. I will be in Western NC in late Feb so could buy one near there and drive it back.
Yes - Heated seats became an option as of 2010. But you need to say more. How fancy / cheep do you want to go? The high tech package (starting in 2010) has lane assist (for nodding off) ... collision avoidance (if someone - or a deer jumps in front of you ... the car automatically hits the brakes ... or brakes easy if the car in front is stopping and you don't notice) ... and self parking. Below that, is the solar sun roof model then there are 3 models progressively with less.
Don't care about any of that fancy stuff, I mean the car weighs more than a deer. Self parking could be nice, unload the crap from Costco with the doorman and let the car park, does it text me where the spot is? Sunroof, no way. Every one I have ever had, has leaked eventually, the last run ruined the computer in my Volvo and it will cost me 5k to repair. This is one of the motivating reasons of buying a car, never happened with a 240 or P1800.
Yeah, the car texts you a link to google maps for its location, then when you text PICKUP to the car it will return to where you left it and come get you.
That is cool, I have been using the app, "Dude where the **** is my car?" This feature is much better.
You can actually get 2011s a lot less now for 20k I found a couple for 20,500 and 21,600 OTD for a prius 2 and get on the low interest rates. Since it will even out ifpick up a used one. Also for a full loaded 2011 Prius it can be had for at least 29 OTD. Good luck bro.
Toyota is offering zero percent for five years in some markets -- getting an 11 with the cheap rates would be the way to go. Some sates are only zero for three years -- NJ is only three and I believe NY -- PA is for five. Worth the drive -- you can purchases the car in any state for the same costs.
What does OTD stand for? I am in Manhattan and have a house in NJ. So either is fine. I genuinely hate buying cars so any links to deals or what I should be looking would be great.
OTD = Out The Door Generally refers to the amount you'd need to write a check for to take a car with you that day with all taxes, fees and costs included.
The prices he mentioned were for new or used ones? I just went to the Toyota site and they seem to be priced at 24k for a new one.
Sounds like you might need the services of an auto broker. My sister & hubby swear by getting 2 year old cars from their broker. They well him what they want and he finds it. In 2010 Prius, heated seats means IV or V (Five) model, but $20k ish for under 25k miles is not likely as IV sold for $30k or high 20's.
You don't need to buy the car in the state it will be registered -- I bought in PA because of the zero for five years -- it is not registered in PA. Even figuring a discounted rate of 2.9 -- Toyota is giving you $2500.00. Do a search and call a couple of dealers -- The four's and five's had discounts around 2k off of list.
Another possibility: get Wet Okole seat covers and add electric heat to them: Custom Car Seat Cover Prices - Wet Okole Hawaii I have Wet Okole's (without heat) in both my cars and prefer them over either the stock cloth or leather (which I have had in other cars and disliked).
I ended up getting a 2011 two in NJ, I got a very good trade value on my Volvo, much more than it was worth if the dealer put even 10 more minutes into looking at it(touching the soaking wet floor would have been enough) So I didn't want to risk going to any dealers in PA. We did 0% in NJ for 3 years and paid 22995 for the car, not the best or worst price. Barcelona Red, we wanted Ribbon Blue, but they sold their last one in the morning. We were offered a 2012 in blue but the same car would have cost us $4000 more since we would have lost the financing deal at the low rate.
Good thing about you and your commute: The EZ-Pass people will give you a green (no kidding, that's the color) transponder if you show them the receipt for the car. It gets you some off when commuting back and forth across the Hudson, more when it's not rush hour. Oh, yeah, the car. II is base level; III gives you a better radio and bluetooth integration so you can do some seriously good phone calls, hands-free, every time you sit in the car. IV gives you a back-up camera, built-in map stuff, and leather seats. V gives you fancy wheels, lane-keeper, self-parking, and all the technology they could think of. In December of 2009 I looked all this over and plopped for a III. I wish I had that back-up camera, though: The Prius has the lousiest view out the rear of any car I've ever owned. However, word is around here that a fair number of dealers will put an aftermarket backup camera system on the car using high-grade parts. Turns out the camera is practically a standard and there's a hole for it in the rear near the license plate; the other trick is the replacement rear view mirror which gets the image. If I had to do it all over again I'd plop for the III again, but shell out a few hundred for the aftermarket backup camera. KBeck.
Is that correct about the green transponder? Interesting! You mean it allows you to pay a lower rate than even the regular EZ Pass transponder? I will have to look into it, even though I don't commute by car. If the green transponder's discounts are lower than those with the regular one, I wonder if those deeper discounts also apply to out-of-state electronic toll collections. Thanks for the tip!
I was just told today that wasn't true for the green, not sure but will obv contact ezpass next week. I can't really imagine why I would need a back up camera after a week of parallel parking. I grew up driving in NYC and can park a nickel in a spot for a dime. My commute is less than 10 inches a day, unless I want a cup of coffee. I do have a country house in NJ on the weekends.
Found 2 things online New York State Thruway Authority: E-ZPass : Green Pass Discount Plan And E-ZPass - Bridges & Tunnels I will look into it since 90% of the time I use the tunnel is on a Sunday coming into the city.