Is there a dog gate made that specifically fits the Prius with the seats down? Need something goog and not hokey for my baby, thx
With the seats down just about any commercial gate should work fine. But with the seats up, forget it. The hatch hinge extends forward of the back of the seats and won't work. I ended up buying a harness for my dog.
I've been waiting to get a prius until I could find a pet barrier that worked with the back seat - I think this one will be great. It connects only to the headrest mounts, so the hatch won't be an issue. It's called the Walky DOg Barrier - do a google search and you'll find it.
OK - I didn't read the post as closely as I needed to and bought a Walky Guard barrier to keep my yellow lab in the hatch area and away from the kids in their car seats....and it doesn't fit. So I'm sending it back....I just wanted to prevent some other reader from making the same mistake....
Hi! I have a 50lb lab and a 75lb dobe that ride in the back seat (yes, they both have room) But "miss lab" always gets into the front seat when I leave the car and starts looking for "something" to get into. Like my sunglasses..2 pair she chewed up! Kleenex..paper...straws... you name it she finds it. I don't want to use a harness, so I too have been looking for a pet "barrier". Toyota dealer referred me to I have a Weathertech warehouse about 8 miles from me, and today I'm going out there and see if their device will work. I'll let you know.