Hello All, Just bought a Prius III last weekend, loving the technology. I was considering putting on a set of Scion TC 17" wheels to improve the looks. The Scion TC wheels come with 315MHz Tire Pressure Monitoring System. According to Tirerack.com the Prius TPMS also work on 315MHz frequency. Will the Scion TPMS working with the Prius? or will I get an error of some sort. Appreciate your advice. Thanks. A.
I think most Toyota TPMS are the same. You will have to use Techstream or an advanced TPMS scan tool to register the new sensors.
they work..I have those wheels on my 2011 Prius....the dealer will just charge you to re-program them to the car.
OH, this looks sooo nice. Better then the Prius OEM 17" wheels. Presumably your wheels came with the Scion TPMS, how did you get them to work with the Prius, did you get the car reprogrammed at the dealership, if so how much did it cost. Also what tires are you using? are they LRR and did you notice any increase in fuel consumption? Thanks so much for the photo again.
I just used the TPMS sensors from my stock 15" wheels and put them in the Scion rims. I'm using the Continental ExtremeContact DWS which isn't considered a true LRR tire but isn't too bad in terms of fuel economy.
I got the ATEQ TPMS Quickset Tool to reset the TPMS IDs for my summer/winter wheels, and it does the job. Two changes and it pays for itself if your dealer charges $75 for programming, and no waiting!
I still cannot believe that the car has to be reprogrammed between summer/winter. I never had this issue with my past two cars (BMW and VW.) Although I ended up disabling the system in my VW because I was swapping to different wheels quite often.