I'm about to get my new 2008 Prius and I have a couple years supply (for my soon to be traded HCH II) of Mobil One Synthetic 0W-20. The '08 Prius owners manual shows 5W-30. Can I use my 0W-20 either straight up or mixed with 10W-30? Thanks
One poster had oil consumption when he went to 0w-20, but it is not a common result. If you plan on warranty engine work (and who plans THAT?) then the 5000 mile OCI may be important to you.
I have used 0w20 from first oil change in my 2008 UK GEN2 now at 80,000miles with no oil use between 10kmile oil changes. 0w20 is listed on the TGMO application chart as suitable for the GEN2. I find it gives me an MPG boost of 1.5/2MPG.
Britprius, thanks. I'll run what the dealer has put into the car for now and next change go back with my 0w20. I see the TGMO chart here: Toyota Oil Recommendation - PDF Many thanks Cheers Mike
Several vehicles now are 5-20 oil and can be changed over to 0-20 without problems. I have used 0-20 Mobil-1 in all of my cars without any problems or consumption. I use Mobil-1 in every engine ( 4 cycle) I own without any problems.
I use 0-20 and have for the last 70-80k miles on my '04 Prius. Outside the US it is listed as the oil of choice. I have not noticed any burning or loss of oil and have noticed a mild improvement in fuel economy.
So could you use the same 10,000 mile oil change interval they use in Europe on the gen2 now you're using synthetic 0w20? I would guess you could.
Yes it should work fine as posted above. If it uses to much oil with 0W20 don't go back to 5W30, switch to 0W30 instead. With synthetic oil you should be able to go to 10K oil and filter changes as well. It probably won't use any oil but if it used a quart or less between changes I wouldn't worry about it.
Same here We ran 0-20 from 80K thru 110K ... right up 'till that dreadfull day of being rear-ended. At 100K miles there wasn't a sigle symptom ... whether leaking, oil burning ... you name it. Oh! . . . btw . . . :welcome: .
I've been using Amsoil 0w30 in my 06 for last 2 oil changes with zero problem or usage. Only change oil once a yr. Car starts the same if it -15 or 95 out