Hi PC, I just picked up my 2006 Prius last week and tried calling AAA insurance to add the vehicle to my existing policy this morning. The customer service people could not pull up my VIN#. Then, after a 15min hold, I was told I needed to fax in my sales contract to their office so they can enter the details (due to the car being a Hybrid). Has anyone else encountered this situation with AAA? It seems very odd. Maybe I should call back and speak to another customer service rep? Thank you, JustinC
each state handles their AAA insurance differently. i tried through wi and had no problem getting a quote, i just wasn't happy with the rate.
I have AAA insurance and I had not trouble. THe dealer sent them the informatio. They seem to have a call center so calling them back may not have the desited effect. I had to call them about 5 times to get a quote to add my prius to my existing policy. In the end it was for more than what they quoted and I was unhappy with the price. However they were about $5 cheaper than the next highest quote and they offered 33% more coverage. They would not insure me at a lower level. For all of the times people decided to crash into me, they have offered good service.
Thanks for your replies. I guess my main concern was that AAA could not pull up my VIN#. I never even got a quote because I was going to use AAA no matter what they charged (I have AAA home policy too), so there is a discount. Do I need to wait a few days so the dealer has time to send the car information to AAA and the DMV?
I used to work at AAA. Sometimes, on new cars, the VINN does not show up, however, odds are either you gave them the wrong VINN, or they wrote it down wrong ("D" instead of "B," things like that). Farmers has the Multi-Policy discount (home and auto), PLUS Farmers offers the HYBRID discount, woo-hoo! Let me know if you need anymore info....
I have AAA insurance and the multi-coverage discount. When I bought Priapus, my insurance was lower than my wife's Buick Regal.
When I got my Prius I called and it took about five minutes. I have AAA and I live in the Santa Cruz area. I would call them back and ask why you're being asked to fax the information. Another option would be to get the dealer to call them. Good luck, and happy motoring.
Update: Thanks for all the feedback. I called AAA back this morning and they still did not have the VIN# in their system. However, this customer service rep was allowed to manually enter the VIN# I gave and setup my coverage. I asked why the VIN# did not pull up, and she just said because it's a brand new vehicle. I've never encountered this problem before.
It's not a brand new vehicle in the sense that you just bought it. It's a brand new vehicle in the sense that they just built it. It's not uncommon for cars that have just rolled off the line to not be in insurers systems immediatly. -Ken