It is available on Toyota Owners Online. But it's in 61 separate PDFs, which you'll have to download and then stitch together yourself into one PDF file if you have Adobe Acrobat or a Mac. Here's a link:
The Canadian manual is available on the Club Toyota website as a single PDF.
I could not get the Prius v manual to show on the Canadian Toyota site, even after signing up with a valid Canadian address. It demanded a VIN before it would show me the user manual. When I added the VIN on my US Prius v it reported invalid VIN, and still a no show on the user manual. So, don't get your hopes up with the Canadian Toyota site if you bought a US Prius v. It would be good if somebody from the US could confirm my results. Look what I found in my bookmarks / favorites. This link to the Prius v user manuals seems to work. Please confirm that it doesn't need my cookies. Toyota Online Owners Manuals and Service Manuals
I know my VIN number but I don't think it is registered yet under my name as the vehicle is still in transit. So providing them with VIN will not do any good. They collect too much information :-/
@syscon; I think there is a good chance it will work for you. But not if you don't want them to know where you live, and send you marketing stuff. Try my new link in post #8 and let me know what you can see.
As I suspected, it is not working. My car is in transit and as I suspect not registered on my name by the dealer. I might have a better luck if I just call them tomorrow and ask them to email me the PDF file.
Yes, I sign up but could not find any link to the manual. I tried to enter my VIN number but it wasn't accepted :-/
No, the link I added at the bottom of post #8 (and copied below) that links to sections of the Prius v user manual. Toyota Online Owners Manuals and Service Manuals
It is working today, I think I've tried that link the other day and was getting "server error" Thanks.
thx Chazz, working great today. took about 30 minutes to download the owners manual. nav tomorrow nite. Later, Ben