While the 2010 steering wheel looks cool, and may give some guys a bit of extra knee room, I found it posed a different problem...it took some careful practice to figure out how to steer with my knee again! Not having the consistent arc to rely on, I sometimes "lost my grip" on the wheel with my knee when attempting to drift to the left. The key, I have discovered, is to pressure the wheel right at the point where the curve meets the flat spot. Remaining exactly there allows good contact, with slight movements enabling you to adequately control the car. opcorn:
Yeah.....Can you do me a favor? If you see me coming in the other direction (I'll be in a white Prius), can you use one of your hands to grab the wheel so you don't drift into my lane? I'll do the same for you.
The steering wheel is just fine. The problem is with the IDIOT behind the wheel......keep it up and someday you'll be steering with your teeth........................!!!
I remember my drivers ed teacher telling us, about 40 years ago, that when you remove one hand from the wheel to, say, fiddle with the radio, you are decreasing your level of concentration on the road by 50%. (This was long before the days of cell phones and texting.) Now, if we extrapolate that to removing two hands from the wheel...
One hand or knee on steering wheel - 50% Yapping on cell - 25% Going too slow and getting distracted by honking - 12.5% Overly preoccupied on MFD - 6.25% Interruptions by pop-up texts while using bluetooth - 3.125% Getting excited by other Prius on the road - 1.5625% The Prius is one dangerous machine, but you can rest assured we're still paying some level of attention as it never quite does down to 0%.
This reminds me of: http://www.amazon.com/Wheelmate-Laptop-Steering-Wheel-Desk/dp/B000IZGIA8 The review comments are very helpful.
Yeah, I pretty much knew it would be. I mostly started started the thread for fun, didn't mean for anybody to get their panties all in a bunch...:mullet: LTZR1 :mullet:.
But isn't this why automatic transmissions were invented? So you could hold your phone in one hand whilst holding a burger in the other? Some years ago I had a friend who got an automatic car and said it was great, you could eat your fish and chips whilst driving round a roundabout!?!