Black AM, 5/5/04, St. Louis

Discussion in 'Order Tracking' started by dianacs, May 5, 2004.

  1. dianacs

    dianacs New Member

    Apr 23, 2004
    We were told a year and half wait. The dealer does not take deposits but we're on the list. If the wait is truly that long I guess we're looking at a 2006...well, I'm not TOO anxious yet...
  2. peart75

    peart75 New Member

    Apr 28, 2004
    san diego
    look for dealers outside of major metropolitan areas, and call around a lot. get a quote in advance and be prepared to drive (some people even fly) out to pick up the car.

    the dealers here had wiat lists from 6-12 months, i called around and am on a list that has a 1-2 month wait, 4 hour drive away.

  3. dianacs

    dianacs New Member

    Apr 23, 2004
    I've thought about contacting other dealers to see what they say. But I can afford to wait. Ask me again in a few months, lol. I think that with people on multiple waiting lists, the possibility of increased production, and a few people changing their minds along the way, my wait will be shorter. Of course I could be totally wrong, but at this point just being "on the list" is enough for me. Good luck to everyone waiting.
  4. wardplace

    wardplace Junior Member

    Apr 16, 2004
    So. NV
    You are far more patient than I am! I started on a 8-12 month list, but kept reading the boards.... end result I found another dealer! I justified my impatience by figurinh out that if we waited until 2005 to get the car it was going to cost us lots of $$$.

    1. Decreased federal tax incentive.
    2. $100 a month savings in fuel usage (we drive a Silverado truck most of the time- great truck...not so good MPG)
    3. Potential increase in Prii cost.

    Our current dealership is a fun 500 mile train ride away. We are #1.5 on the list and may get our Prius next month.
  5. niferbee

    niferbee New Member

    Feb 11, 2004
    From a fellow St. Louis-an - you are far more patient than me too!

    I called a bunch of dealers in January and February looking for a Prius, it seems like the wait has gotten months longer for each month that has passed by! Back in January, Seeger Toyota was quoting 6 months, I don't know what they are at now, but I'm guessing it's 9 at least.

    Have had the car now since April, love it! I"m starting to see more in the area, which is great!
  6. dianacs

    dianacs New Member

    Apr 23, 2004
    I go back and forth between being patient and impatient. Last night I was seriously debating whether or not to call around to all the dealers within a half-day's drive. Clearly this is where a personal secretary would come in handy, lol. There are quite a few dealers in that radius.

    As for seeing Prii, I've only seen 2 in the past month or so, which was when I started specifically seeking them out. No doubt there are more out there.
  7. niferbee

    niferbee New Member

    Feb 11, 2004
    Well - you can find shorter waiting lists not that far away.

    I only drove to Alton (now quoting over 6 months). Back in January, there was also a short list at Machens in Columbia, and there were quotes of about 6 months from Newbold I think. I'm only sure of the waiting list at Alton since I asked when I picked up the car, I'm not sure how long it is now at Machens or anywhere else I called.
  8. dianacs

    dianacs New Member

    Apr 23, 2004
    Update: Around Thanksgiving, I contacted other nearby dealers (within 30-45 minutes of me) just to see what they had to say. I ended up putting my name on two more waiting lists, expecting a 3 to 6 month wait. I got a call from one of the new dealers last week saying that I was next on the list and a car was coming in mid-to late Jan. It is a Driftwood #4. The package is what I wanted and at first I wasn't crazy about the color, but I thought about it for a few days and decided to accept the car. Besides, the first Prius I ever saw close enough to touch and peer into the windows was a Driftwood--it is a pretty nice color in real life. Now I have to wait only a little longer!

    P.S. All 3 dealers whose lists I got on are all selling at MSRP. Only one required a $250 refundable deposit. Yes, a certain dealer in St. Louis (as of late November) was still charging $2000 over MSRP (and estimated a 6-month wait).
  9. dianacs

    dianacs New Member

    Apr 23, 2004
    Newest update: Car is coming next week. Can't wait!