Aaron, you are so... cute. This discussion was simply about what the red looks like, not a competition of "whose color is the best, the techiest, the most futuristic." I'm sure your "space agey" Silver will turn heads and bring you a lot of pleasure. Enjoy! ...and let us salivate a little over our Barcelona Red. B) B)
Hey... thats cool XLR8, its a matter of what you like and what image you want. I too saw a silver I really liked.. it had very solid wheels and it almost looked like a car of 100 years from now! I personally think the red will be my choice.... Blue would be my second..
I drove that car yesterday. I like the Barcelona more than the Salsa, but it is a matter of opinion. Wanted to check out the differences between my 05 and the 06. As far as color alone, I would opt for the Magnetic Gray, but that seems to be pushed back to next January. I like the 06 Nav screen but will probably wait for the 07 and real-time traffic update driving the navigation routing.
Hey Hey sofsof, we are all expressing our opinions and just wanted to share the "why" for MY own reasoning about the colors. I'm not trying to rain on your parade on Barcelona Red, afterall...it was my choice too...for a while...sheeeeez man/woman heck, I don't know. Heck, I almost bought a 2005 Salsa Red till I learned so much from you guys here! That's still my favorite color! Dang them! Yes, thank you, I am so..."cute" too. B) and cool when I wear my shades. Just explaining my new choice of silver (why I like it too), not trying to out do you...don't take it personal. Aaron
Well your right about the salivate part!..... It will really be fun "tweaking" it to add to it and make its look even more unique! There nothing cooler than a red car shined to spotlessness, with polished metals and various adornments. Will definately be a head turner!.... and for those who think turning heads is vain... well your right!...... so whats you point? :huh: :blink:
Oh yeah, that Japanese Blue.......SEXY man! It would be up there with Silver/Barcelona and Salsa for me for sure!
Barcelona Red was my 1st choice too, but it looks like I will be getting the Classic Silver#7 instead.My lease expires jan.13th, and the dealer said the other 06's here in S.E. South Dakota are presold into Feb. so either I make a big stink or go with the Silver, with tint.
Oh well Panther, silver's better anyway...............LOL just kidding if you're reading this sofsof. Man Panther, that kinda stinks if you can't get your preferred color. I hope that something changes to where you can. Like I said, we'll all enjoy our 2006 Prius, no matter what color it is. Aaron
Well don't get the silver just because your lease runs out!... only if you like it well enough to spend 30K on it!... If you just need transportation.. maybe you can borrow a friends, or even buy a cheap car and resell it? Heck buy a piece of crap that runs... just as long as you can get your money back out of it!
OK, cool! I don't want to offend, just have fun too Since you started this thread with "Just looked at a Barcelona Red" with a description (opinion) of "YUM", I thought I'd share mine with those who are new and/or are reading about colors. And they may be wanting descriptions of what colors some of us have chosen and why we chose them. Ok, like Bill O'Rielly (however that's supposed to be spelled), I'll give you the last word (and unlike him, I'll actually let you have it) :lol:
I put my name on the list back in July, so this is not a sudden impulse buy. It was going to be a 2005 Salsa Red #6, but later was turned into a 2006 #7 with red as first choice, Driftwood, as 2nd choice and silver as the 3rd choice. The dealer says they don't know what to expect until the Region office tells them what they are getting. I like silver but it seems to be so common nowdays. Being in the snowbelt, silver won't show the sand and dirt too badly. Thanks all.
Ah don't sweat it Aaron, all is fun in love and war! yea... Yumm.... we are having Steak at this table... don't bring your turkey! :lol: Not.. we are eating Steak..... but your turkey is ok... just not tonight! I don't ever think there is a last word... nobody wins...nobody looses.... just good fun and comments!
LOL windstrings....I'd say you're cute too....but that avatar of yours...LOL. Anyone...bring on some more color opinions.
Yea.. Bill Merchant thinks I'm cute too! The way be back humps and I drag one leg really makes me sexy!... maybe I could be a star on MTV?
This one is supposed to be "Safe Sex" but they're not moving...oh man, they're animated on my computer, do not know