I have a 2010 Prius and now is cold here 20-30F. So, i filled up with tinter wash fluid the bottle and today when i entered my card was 25F and i can spry out washer fluid on back window but on front window it seems it is not working? It can be frozen because of low quality fluid? THen why it sprays on back? Or maybe is a pump problem? So we have two pums on 2010 Prius for washing windows(one pump for front windows and one pump for rear windows? or there is a common one? Because there may left some water after i filled up with wash fluid. Yesterday it was working even in fron and even on back. Today after i left car for two hours in underground Mall Parking i thought it will work when i'll come, but surprise, it wasn't working and there was 42F in parking. But the back spray is still working? So, what do you think? Can i have a pump problem? Does prius have two pumps for washing windows? Thanks!
Same thing happened to me last year when the temp<~20 degrees last year. I used the expensive washer fluid too. Works fine otherwise.
Thanks for reply Mr. Prius. So, i should not worry about this and when outside will be more than 32F they'll start work again? Thanks!