My dealer wants to charge me $274.83 to completely replace the whole tail light assembly because the rear passenger break light is out. Is this really necessary just to replace a light bulb? (2004 Prius)
The brake light is composed of six LEDs, so if that has failed then the entire assembly must be replaced. If some other light is out, that would be an incandescent bulb which can be separately replaced.
My independent repair shop also told me recently that my left brake light needed replacing and since it was LED's I would need to go to the dealer. The replacement assembly supposedly costs $275 or so plus labor. They thought Toyota might do something for me since it was so expensive. Anyone had any luck complaining to Toyota??
Try ebay,, or Since most total-loss cars in junkyards are front or side impacts, a large number of them have intact brake/taillight assemblies. Or buy new for $150 a piece from online parts counters like Note that 04-05 ($150) are different from 06-09 ($170). I totally believe a $275 dealership quote, between paying MSRP plus the the labor for the installation. It is reasonable, given the constraint placed on the dealership due to the high cost of the part.
Re: brake light out +1 on finding a used-but-good replacement. I got a pair from a few years ago, quick response too. :thumb:
Installing a tail light assembly is relatively easy. Here is a thread with illustrated instructions: :cheer2:
My break light LEDs are dim. All regions have the same brighness. Reaching in through the access hole and jiggling the wiring does not change the brighness. Possibly a problem with a driver board? Or are these just 6 LEDs in series? I am also having intermittant problems with the tail light (bad electrical contact--probably oxidized crimp connection in socket), so it will make sense to remove the interior panels to gain access to the wiring harness to fix the intermittant. (I replaced the tail light with an LED module 6 months ago because I got tired of the tungsten incads burning out.) My questions are: Is there anythng fixable with the break light LEDs? If I buy a new tail light asembly, is the wiring harness included (bulb sockets + connector)?
hi brake light was working 5 out of 6 than a week ago it all went out. So after reading around I just bought the left side assembly for 2004 gen2. It arrived today from Tawian made from DEPO. But there is a big problem with it. The Parking light block inside the assembly is moving around. its not fixed in its place like the reverse light or the left turn signal. What were your experiences with these aftermarket tail light? any favorite brand? I am returning it. thanks