Hello all, I am not sure if you all check out the classified section so I thought I would let you know I have some wheels and tires for sale. Here is the link to the craigslist ad: 18" Prius Wheels by Five:ad and Tires Thanks for looking.
Thanks for the comment. I am thinking about selling or trading in the car so I'm selling the wheels first....
Thats a great price...did you post them on ebay or the marketplace here on the forum? I have the same set up, I like them. GL on the sale bump
Thanks for the bump! I am only pursuing a local sale right now. I don't have packaging materials to send them or a paypal account.
Well, we are moving to a home that will result in a longer commute for my wife to work. I want to get her something a little bit more "solid"...we'll miss the gas mileage but I'd like to get something more substantial...
That doesn't seem to make much sense. The Prius is a very safe car & perfect for the work commute. My wife commutes 50 miles a day for work & she loves her Prius. If I said I was going to sell it & get something "more substantial" she would think I lost my mind.
I figured my statement might ruffle some feathers. Really, I love the Prius, but you have to admit it is not the most "solid" car on the road. Just open and close the door of the Prius and then a BMW. Heck, you could probably open/close a door on a Prius and a Camry and see the difference.
That's by design obviously, in order by get the sought after 50 mpg figure. Some members here who desire a more "solid" Prius and don't care as much about FE have insulated the heck out of their cars to satisfaction, including how their doors now close with a solid clunk. That might be an option for you given that your wife has a longer commute and you can search for these threads.
Thanks 32K - good suggestion. I am also thinking that when I remove the 18" wheels it will go back to a more solid, comfortable ride for her no so "clunky"....