Thank you for the informative video as I recently bought the DWS & nice to know it will perform some in snow if need be.
Anytime. I know I'm not the only one coming from an AWD vehicle to a FWD Prius. I had my doubts and thought I'd get stuck a few times but the good ole traction control + tires surprised me .
Now you need to make a video, driving in the opposite direction, doing full braking. Let's see ABS working
I seriously would have done that today...but there's a fire hydrant at the end of the incline (I know great placement). I would do it tomorrow but the roads are pretty much all ice right now...
HA! Thanks, it's our first snowfall of the season...we were supposed to get 5-10" but typical Seattle meteorologists over-hype everything.
Snow performance on ordinary tires depends largely on how new they are. They perform pretty well when new but degrade drastically as they age. This is why there's a large disparity in opinions on how well the Prius performs in the snow.
Agreed. On my last vehicle I got through 2 winter seasons and the "S" wear indicator still had some life on it. Tires performed the same in dry/wet/snow the whole time. I bought the tires knowing that the "snow" aspect wouldn't last the life of the tire.
Hello Chief, My Noikans do pretty good in my 5+ inches of snow over hear in Kitsap. I have felt very safe with alittle caution. Now the ice IS a different story.
Whenever I buy a new set of tires, I always check ADAC's tests. This is an example of Winter tires' test 2011: www . adac . de/infotestrat/tests/reifen/winterreifen/2011_Winterreifen_Test_195_65_R15.aspx (The forum doesn't allow me to post link since I have less than 5 posts, so remove the spaces in the beginning of the link) The second column from the right is the rolling resistance test. The lower the value, the better.