Did anyone verify if this will work on US Version ? This is for Canadian version Prius 2010-2011 DRL relay instead of US version Dim Relay..
It would have helped if you had provided a link to the part as well as supplied more information on exactly what you're trying to accomplish. What/why do you want it for? You know we have auto-off in the Prius and you can simply leave the headlights on 100% of the time. Or are you moving to Canada and looking for a way to pass inspection there? There's a thread by a member who was in this situation and found a solution by shrink-wrapping the stalk in the ON position so it can't be modified by the driver or inspector.
Nothing is really special on this project. I just want to my car to be noticed with super quite EV mode when driving in the community. There are so many kids who have trouble with their parents teaching them to watch only lights when running in the community.
Would you like to start it? I have only diagram and parts. It seems like needed someone to verify the wiring first. This relay is supposed to replace dimmer relay.