Just went to Carson Toyota to look at a Barcelona Red, thanks to a heads-up from robw95. Very pretty rich red, with golden specks in it. I was hoping it would be just a tad darker/deeper, but it's still a gorgeous color. It looks especially nice when the sun doesn't hit it directly - the color takes on a deeper richer shade. Saw it next to Salsa Red. There is really no comparison between the two colors. Salsa, a very nice color as well, is completely different; it is not metallic and a very different shade, more maroon than red, so Barcelona Red definitely pops. The dark gray leather interior looks very nice with it, though I am sticking with the tan leather I ordered, though you should know that the black plastic moldings on the dash and on the upper part of the door remain black, regardless of the leather/cloth color. I actually like the two-tone idea of tan and black interior, but some of you may not. BTW, they had it listed at 35 thousand plus!!!
Are they using real gold in the paint???? __________________________________ 2005 seaside #6 w/etched glass Diamond Fusion and Auto Armor
I"m with you on your selection and for the same reasons... except I also estimate the lighter color will look bigger inside.
I don't know about toyota, but many dealers can supply a bottle of touchup paint made specifically with that color.... should have any specks added to. I'll try to remember to ask for that when I pick mine up.
I think a four-step process like Salsa Red Pearl would be harder to match than a three-step metallic like Barcelona Red. It's also been my experience that Toyota metallics seem more resistant to rock chips and scratches than the pearl colors. Anyway, this time I went with the grey interior for a more unified look. Grey also hides dirt better than the beige, and I wanted something new and different since Salsa was only available with beige. Let's face it, at this point (artificial) leopard skin seats on a Prius would sell, and might even be desirable in Central Europe, resurrecting thoughts of "for I, am a wild and crazy guy" from the SNL archives.
you could be right, but my 05 w/millennium silver metallic does not seem resistant to chips at all, compared to other cars I've owned. but I haven't owned any other toyotas for a few years. rob
thats funny.. that would seem to make sense to me too.. I presently have grey in my jeep, but I've talked to several folks now.. including here on the forum that swears the lighter color hide dirt better... I guess its a matter of what color your dirt is!
Touch-up paint for the newer high-metallic paints are almost useless. You have to shake them even more violently than the machine that mixes your house paint. Even then, after you get some on the tip of your brush, by the time you get the brush to your scratch, separation has started again. The metal particles clump together, leaving a thin, runny liquid that won't even stick in place on a vertical scratch. It's maddening. I tried to use touch-up on my Millenium Silver, and it just won't work. Only a spray will. $10 wasted. I've only had touch-up success with enamels. Who uses enamels now? <_<
*This reminds me of an Idea I had once!.. what if all the metal flakes were taken from sheets that had one color on one side and another color on the other? *These sheets would have a magnetic charge "before" the cut was made... + on one side, - on the other. *now when the paint was applied, it would be in a room that had a + charge on one end and - on the other? I wonder if the flakes would polarize and line up....? this would make a car appear one color when standing and looking from the front, and another when standing and looking from the back? If the paint was made to dry slowly yet not run it might work! Theres a challenge for you! You'd make big bucks if you could pull it off!
Just my opinion. I am not impressed with the new red color. Yes, it is an improvement from the Salsa red but still too dark. I wish Toyota would give us the bright racing red.
Beauty sure is in the eye and mind of the beholder! See, I thought the new red was TOO much of a bright, "come and get me officer," red. Fortunately for me, I still think the Salsa is the best color. I must admit that the new blue looks really sharp and I'd like to see one in person. Might change my mind!
Yea, your true about the beholder bit..... there are colors I hate, and some love! Anyway.. my wife got a glimpse of one yesterday at a distance... she was concerned I may not like it because it was bright..... I told her thats what I wanted!... as long as its not an orange red! I felt the salsa didn't look like any salsa I ever ate! :lol: It was more like a wine! But It's ok, but too dark for my taste.... from the first time I saw it, I have not been able to warm up to it. I have heard that in the eve, or non direct sunlight, the Barcelona red color takes on a beautiful hue, and in the daylight its much brighter. I"m excited to see what the gold metallic flakes in the paint will look like! Both colors are nice, but my dad had a wine colored car and I never liked the color... but to each his own! Hopefully I won't change my mind when I see it in person!
I was "so" sure I wanted Barcelona Red...until I saw the photos here on PC. Chaged to Silver at the very last hour. Silver and Barcelona Red have been my top picks from the beginning. LOL, you just never know. I really liked the Salsa Red too. I really thought the Barcelona Red would be somewhere between Salsa Red and the pics of Barcelona Red here on PC, but NOT! Aaron
Humm.. well I'm not sure what you don't like, but based on the 05 colors I see on the net and what they look like in real life at the car dealer and on the road..... the computer colors are not very accurate at all! In general, they always look different in person, an excellent example is the 05 Tideland pearl... if you look at it online... it looks downright green, yet in person it looks more like you would think a "pearl" should look like and is therefore named appropriately. The Barcelona red I'm guessing could be just as dramatic if not close.... Here is a link to "sofsof" who has seen it in person... http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=13105&hl=barcelona Here is a quote: But again... you may not like Barcelona red... even seeing it live... not everyone will. There are many silvers out on the road already... I'm sure you know what that one looks like very well by now. B)
Saw it again (in person) today. Can't say I'm in love, but I am definitely in very big 'like." windstrings, don't worry, it's not orange-red. The car looks extremely sharp, rich, and very dramatic, which already is fantastic, for my money. Also, it stands out, which some may or may not like. I do. When the light doesn't hit it directly - it's a beauty to behold. And of course - all in the eyes of the beholder...
Yeah, I've had "that red" on a Z-28 and really like it on a sports car. Don't quite like it on the Prius. Like I said, wanted something a "little" closer to Salsa red but more red indeed. JMO of course. Now, what I like about the Prius in silver is this, It looks very "techy" and "futuristic", kinda "space agey". There are a lot of silver cars on the road for sure and I thought I'd like it to "stick out" more too. But after giving it more thought, I believe it's "techy"/"futuristic"/"space agey" look that it has with silver has a statement all of its own. And, we'll all enjoy our new 2006 Prius, no matter what color we choose. Except Black (HAHA, just a little dig for those fans!) Aaron