Now we're starting to talk continental range. 2007 miles to empty should get me to the Florida Keys & back on 1 tank.
LOL that's what I thought too when I read the title. I thought some bozo was going to try and claim that they got 2007 miles on a tankful.
it's just a formula based on historical data and fuel used/remaining. you're better off filling up at 2 pips or more and not worrying about it.
No--since the fuel bladder is flexible and changes volume with factors such as temperature, there's no way for the car to get an accurate measurement of the fuel remaining, or a miles-to-empty figure.
Miles to empty This is a "feature" in a Scanguage (do a search) but I'm not sure how accurate it is. I never used my Scanguage fuel milage features before I replaced it with the Android Torque app. I do use them now that I moved the Scanguage to my Sprinter based RV and I can tell you on that vehicle if I believed the "miles to empty" estimate I'd be pushing a lot - but it is a diesel and it may not work as well with that engine.
I like the "miles to empty" feature on my ScanGauge in my Prius, but I don't rely on it because it's based on the whole tank average, and the only time that miles to empty is "useful" is toward the end of the tank. Some cars with this feature will bias the miles to empty display when the fuel level is low based on the mileage over the previous 30 minutes or 1 gallon or so of gas (some Fords and Lincolns can be ridiculously accurate at times) but the ScanGauge doesn't do this. The problem is that the MPG on that last gallon or two of fuel isn't necessarily going to come close to what you've gotten on the previous ~9 gallons. That's not a huge deal if you drive a car that averages 15 MPG but if you're averaging 50+ MPG then it can pretty easily leave you stranded more than 30-60 miles shy of a gas station. And that's even without factoring in the fuel bladder weirdness. So I personally like looking at it at the end of my day, and also compare it over time to my manual calculations based on how much fuel I put in when I fill it up, but it's not a useful feature other than for the "I like to see lots of figures about my car" factor and gauging over several months how many miles I can realistically expect to drive on a tank under well-known driving conditions.