It was recently brought to my attention, the word "partner" has, usurped, the "classic", vernacular, definition, with a new one. No longer can a cop call his co-worker a "partner", no longer can you openly call someone a business "partner" without being sure to add in the prefix.
Squid, we be p-P-partners. (where p = poll, P = Prius) * wif a tip 'o the cap to that aborted culturo-linguistico pheenomenon, Eubonics
With Jake Gyllenhaal's new movie, Brokeback Mountain, about love between two cowboys--- yes, that, too.
Now that things have come this far, I can't resist taking this all the way. How did Godiva rear end that 4x4 guy? She must carry her power tools with her!
Ever erupt in uncontrollable laughter, so loud and probably with your face so contorted, you'd never let yourself be seen or heard doing it in public? I was bouncing back and forth between this thread and MS's "sex in a Prius" thread, and both got (to me) funny beyond belief at exactly the same time. I was in convulsions. I can't even say which words pushed my button so hard. But I entirely lost it. If we knew each other, it's the last thing on earth you'd expect from anyone, much less me. I do not laugh easily. For years at a stretch. Making myself late by frantically posting, I had to break and go to pick up my son (16) from school. It's 13 miles. I laughed nonstop the whole way, trying to compose myself as I got nearer to his school. I'd "last" maybe 5 seconds, then relapse. This is a pretty remarkable group of people. I'm so embarrassed, I hope no newbies were lurking on either thread. I could barely type. God, I needed that! Haven't laughed like that in mebbe 25 years. How is this possible, through the transmission of electrons, with people one will probably never meet? Sheer magic. Thanks for that.