With all of the bad press in the WSJ, NBC and Rush Limbaugh lately, here is some good press - from a car guy - in the 12/05 issue of Car and Driver: http://www.caranddriver.com/article.asp?se...0&page_number=1
The same issue had a good column on the need to revise the EPA tests: With $3 gas, we need accurate mpg tests
Good article...I liked that the author real-world-tested several types of hybrids and put touched base on some of the anti-hybrid talk. Like the 'you'll never recoup the premium $ you'll pay' and 'you won't ever get near the EPA mpgs", etc. In a world where people are more than happy to point out to you that you're paying a premium for owning a hybrid but not batting an eyelash when another person is putting down $50-60K for an SUV that will never recoup it's '4wd premium' by venturing off-road, it's nice to see that someone's commented on that.
I saw on my Local NBC affiliate a piece about Prius and poor mileage, they also said one of the NBC news shows was doing a show or part of a show about the Prius and Toyota and poor mileage, they said Toyota claims its impossible for the Prius to get on the low 30s and upper 20s if it is the Toyota guy said there is something wrong with that particular car and it should be taken in to a Toyota service center ,,,, I don't know but i do know mine doesnt get nrar what it is suppose to but it stillsaves me a lot of money on fuel my new expedition gets an average of 12
Excellent writing! With two simple, real-world examples, he captures the joy of driving these cars perfectly. I almost think we should pin it somewhere.
He gets it, it's exactly what I've been saying....no one questions when you pay extra for more (unnecessary) Horse Power, or better handling, or fancy interior, or luxury features....those are things that make the individual driver/owner happy and thus are worth any extra cost. Likewise for me the pleasure of owning better technology, doing my tiny part for the environment, my little part in reducing oil imports. And maybe even, someday, saving some money...but that's so far down the list I don't even consider it.