Looking to purchase a Five Axis body kit from juiced hybrid. Anyone know of any coupon codes for discount? It's about $1680 painted. Searched google and none of the coupons worked. I know with my previous mustang and that forum, vendors used to offer deals all the time, can't seem to find any here. Any help is appreciated
Let me look in the morning. I got a coupon from Troy himself at a Prius meet at the Toyota Museum here in So. Cal. It's a 10% off coupon for Juiced Hybrids. I just saw it the other day so I know it's around here somewhere. I'll PM the code to you if/when I find it.
or You can use the coupon code PC0211 at checkout and receive a 10% Discount. Please call if you have any questions. 800-270-5699 J Thanks, Paul
I got mine here for $959 + tax painted Wilson Motors | New Mercedes, Scion, Toyota dealership in Bellingham, WA 98228