Yesterday I noticed my door won't unlock and I had to use passenger's side to get in and push my door to open. I noticed the lock/unlock switch on the door stays locked, won't unlock at all. My car is 2004 Prius. Is it easy to fix by myself? I don't want to take it to the shop and spend thousand of dollars to get it to fix! I have tight budget. Hope any of you can help me out with it. Thanks, John
Sounds like the Door actuator motor is bad. I changed it myself on my 2007. Door Actuator - Auto Parts Warehouse
OP, Please Read: Moving thread from Prius v forums to Gen II forums.
This. I've had 2 fail. How I'm trading for a '17 c-4. Hope they have a better actuator now. When mine failed, they still "tried" to move for a while; sometimes won't lock, sometimes won't lock.....electrically. Edit: But neither of mine ever stuck mechanically. Once you get the inside door panel off, you might want to inspect the linkage first.